My wife recently 'won' a handi on Gunbroker from Buds Guns for my Christmas gift. I am a rookie as far as the online auctions go. On top of all that I am having issues with my gmail email account, the one that gunbroker sends their emails through. Another computer got into that account and sent everyone who had sent me an email an email back. And now that account is frozen.
Sooooo, I could not get into it to email Buds and set up payment. So I did the logical thing, I called them and had the auction number and my credit card. They asked if I was my wife. I said no. The gunbroker account is in her name. They said well we cannot ship a gun to your dealer as that would be a straw purchase which is a felony. I said that it would not be a felony because the gun was not transferred into anyones name yet!! Until it reached to the FFL and I did the background check, then (in my state) after they Feds ran my background and I came up clear the gun would be in my name.
If I were to then give the rifle to someone that could not otherwise pass the background check then that would be a straw purchase.
Buds said no, it was a felony just to ship it to the dealer since my wife had won the gun!
I think they are washed up and think they know things they have no clue about. They said that if they were doing something illegal they would lie, not saying that I was lying or anything. I said I understood that, but I was not doing anything illegal. The gun would be transferred into my name at the dealer.
For some reason I thought that was what the FFL dealer on my end and the background check were for.
So I said fine. Forget the one that my wife won, just order one in my name and we will sort the other one out later once I get the email account going. They said that was the last one they could get. I said I thought they did drop shipments direct from the manufacturer as I thought they did not actually stock most of the guns they have for sale in their personal warehouse.
Is this the sort of run around treatment Buds usually gives customers?
I am about to wash my hands of these jerks.
If I am spreading fud and washed up myself PLEASE let me know I do not have a problem eating crow.
End of rant.