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Offline buckeye hunter

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Victor traps
« on: February 07, 2004, 07:26:26 AM »
Anyone using stock victor # 2 coil round jaws for fox/'yotes?

Buckeye Hunter

Offline jim-NE

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Victor traps
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2004, 01:39:58 PM »
I have a few of them. I use them now and then mostly because I only own so many traps and they are just part of the arsenal. I've had pretty decent luck with them, and I like them better than the older victor #2 square jaws as they seem to hold coyotes a little better and the jaws aren't as thin.
They aren't #2 round jaw monty's, but again, I only own so many predator traps and they do see regular action for me.
I've adjusted them to a very short throw, took all the wobble out of the pan, center mounted the chain, used a short chain length with 3 or 4 swiveling points, and I use earth anchors on the end. All my predator traps are set up this same way so nothing unique here for me to just the victors.
Some day when I get ambitious I intend to do some welding on all of them, laminate the jaws, add a base plate, and also saw once where someone welded a thin rod to the top of the dog to stiffen them up a bit. I will get around to that someday...

Offline trappenjoe

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Victor traps
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2004, 02:07:57 PM »
I have a couple #2 victors, By making them 4 coiled they hold anything
I don't know about the round jaws, mine are sqare . I like to put brass
washers on my pan to take out the wigel .  
Little joe

Offline lynx/cat-trapper

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Victor traps
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2004, 11:02:50 AM »
trappenjoe...sorry to "pee" in your cherrio's....but the #2 square jaw victor is one of the WORST traps in modern history!!!! I have a difficult time believing that you can 4 coil them with out them folding in half....unless you're using #1 springs(on ALL 4 corners!!)!!! They are a TRASH trap...the frame is trash...the levers are trash..the jaws are trash...there is NOT a self respecting coon that couldnt dismantle a #2 victor trap in nothing flat!!! You're statement of 4 coiling them and they'll hold anything is not only FALSE..but funny...IF you're trappin rats...or mice..this MAY true...Dont mean to "slam" you..but facts facts are...The square jaw #2 victor is...TRASH...plain and simple!!! To make it into anything other than a good rat trap on a drowner(ONLY because of it's weight) an OVER statement.AND would cost more than a good trap STOCK!!!  BEEN there...DONE that...
laters... you take the square jaw #3's...that IS a different story!!!!
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Offline trappenjoe

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Victor traps
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2004, 02:09:31 PM »
Funny my #2s are 4 coiled .they do hold yotes ,fox , and cat . the old boy I got the from put 1.75 coils on the off side with reinforced base . before you go to peeing in my cherrios . youd better pack a lunch .. :wink:
I only have a couple I use my long springs I like them.. This is my first time with coils . but I do know they are 4by4s and they hold just fine.

Now on the off side I just acuirerd a dozen montgomery #4s .they are dog less. they seem to do the job ,but like I said I don't know much about coils...
You may be right with the 2s being junk I've just had good luck with them
I think everybody can have an opinion . Just please don't call me a liar..
 Little Joe

Offline oso45-70

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« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2004, 04:37:02 PM »
Say Pard, Seems to me you came off a little strong, It could be you are not the smartest trapper in the world, I will say that if you don't know what is going on you might just kinda take a short stand by, i don't think these forums are a place to vent your frustrations, it's a place for like minded people to meet and exchange thoughts and ideas without the snide remarks, i'm also sure you would not show that same brvado if you was looking trappenjoe in the eye, in fact i would bet my life on it,
best wishes and have a good day,,,, keep your powder dry,


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Offline lynx/cat-trapper

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Victor traps
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2004, 06:34:11 PM »
Sure nuff "oso" answer the original question..(it's obvious by your post you need a "clue" also :) )..the #2 roundjaw victors will work fine on fox but are a marginal trap for coyote...Modified they are great..but a bit small for my personal preferences on coyotes...I use these,sq jaw northwoods and Monty RJ's(all modified #2's)with confidence in fox area's with occasional coyotes but preffer a #3 for coyotes. I have caught coyotes in these stock with minimal damage to the traps on a 24 hour check...on a longer check I would expect no problems with fox but MORE problems with coyotes. The round jaw'd traps are a replacement for one of Victors BIGEST mistakes they've ever made...the #2 square jaw'd trap. This was a trap with a very flimsy base,very flimsy jaws and low levers...this combination made for a trap that was very easily dismantled by an animal's fighting it. I have personally had these traps tore to pieces by animals as small as racoons. A person could make them workable with baseplate's,good swivels,4 coiling and VERY importantly good laminations on the jaws as they pop and tweak out quite easily. A lot of people still use them PRIMARILY for drowning type of sets.
OH and oso....I may not be the "smartest" trapper in the world...but I DO make a very comfortable living at it....and tho a bit "brash"...what I posted IS FACT...if you havent had the opportunity to be around the #2 square jaw'd victors...pick some up....with out TOTAL modifications INCLUDING jaw laminations..the traps are NOT acceptable for larger animals....period. Have a good one...
And Joe...I appologize if it came across as me calling you a liar...not intended..but If I was you..I'd still keep the #2's...but use them on drowner sets and WILL save you some headaches and loss's in the future... :D
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Offline a1foxhopper

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Victor traps
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2004, 02:02:28 AM »
I got to agree with lynx/cat trapper about the 2 square jaws. Unmodified they leave a lot to be desired. I still use them on occasion- when I have used everything else I own. Just my opinion. :)

Offline skidway

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Victor traps
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2004, 02:04:01 AM »
If you need to modify it you're probably using the wrong trap. Use the right tool for the job whenever possible.

Offline Pa.CoonTrapper

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Victor traps
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2004, 08:02:39 AM »
The #2 victor sq. jaws was the main fox trap used back in the 70s...
One time I set them on a coyote line...LOL! At least now I can look back and laugh about it. I won't even set them for fox anymore, all it takes is a big coon to turn the jaws inside out. But hey, they make a "good" mink or rat trap on drowners...
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