Author Topic: Ruger Reamed to 356 GNR  (Read 1713 times)

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Offline Wilbe Lead

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Ruger Reamed to 356 GNR
« on: November 16, 2003, 06:12:42 PM »
Have a Blackhawk I am thinking of getting the 9mm cylinder reamed to 356 GNR.Would like to hear from anyone that has had Reeder do this work for them.What are your likes and deslikes of the round?
Wilbe Lead

Offline litman252

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Ruger Reamed to 356 GNR
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2003, 02:44:11 PM »
What he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I am  in the same boat, Emailed Gary, seems like a good guy.  I am worried about the noise when hunting.

Offline J.Solo

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Ruger Reamed to 356 GNR
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2003, 12:51:48 PM »
I'm going to do the same thing after I get an extra 9mm cyinder.  I'm not worried about the sound as I already hunt with a Freedom Arms .454 cas. - J.Solo

Offline Wilbe Lead

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356 GNR
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2004, 08:50:02 AM »
Happy New Year,
My Blackhawk is at Reeders.
It is waiting its new to be Reamed.
Wilbe Lead

Offline madbadger

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Reeder work / GNR cartridges
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2004, 04:58:59 AM »
I had Gary do quite a bit of work on my .41 Mag Blackhawk, plus another cylinder in .41 GNR.  All the workmanship was top notch & they were a pleasure to work with.  I know Gary is incredibly busy, so it's not too early to be sending in your revolver in order to hunt with it this fall.

I had the extra cylinder made because I wasn't sure about the GNR chambering.  I've not killed anything with it yet (only 'cause I've gotten a newer toy).  I'd have to say that I'm firmly in the heavy bullet/slower velocity camp, but I wanted to try the GNR chambering 'cause I like all things .41.  It is a cool cartridge & the performance is certainly there, although so is the muzzle blast!  WOW!  I simply cannot imagine shooting this without serious ear protection.  

I know several users of the 41 GNR have experimented with heavier bullets and really like what they're getting.  So far, I've just messed with the recommended 170's and a bit with 210's.  I personally like the .41 Mag loaded with 250 & 265's so the 170's scccreeeaaming out was / is a different ballgame.

If I had it to do over again, I'd probably pass on the .41 GNR though not because of workmanship or anything related to Reeder.  I am interested in the .356 GNR as I feel it would firmly put the .357 over into deer sized game under all conditions.  Plus I like the smaller physical size of most revolvers chambered for .357.   And, of course, it's a chambering I don't have.........

Reloading the .41 GNR is a cinch & Reeder supplies good basic data.

My two & a half cents worth.

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Offline Wilbe Lead

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356 GNR
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2004, 02:14:58 PM »
Howdy everyone,
My Blackhawk has been reamed to 356 GNR.
I am going to start casting up some lead bullets for the first fireing, as I wait for it to make the return trip home.
Wilbe Lead

Offline Wilbe Lead

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356 GNR
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2004, 05:49:23 PM »
Howdy Everyone,
Got my gun back from Reeder.All I have done so far is load some shells and blast away.
Slap a red dot on it and cut bullet holes at 35 yards.
I have three different bullets loaded and will pass on the the fps,groups,etc.
Wilbe Lead
So far if you want to do the ream job to your gun ,go for it.
Muzzle blast out of a 4 5/8 is less than a 45colt with hot loads.