Saw a short mention of the "carbon footprint" on TV. I got curious and looked up a calculator. My household came in just under the US average.
My truck is a 98, so hasn't been sent through the recycling and hauled to china thing, and there is no new truck to use resources.
I do NOT take out good light bulbs to replace them with CFL's. I do use CFL's in lights that do not need dimmed when they need replaced. There was no mention of the mercury footprint! I just bought a pack of 100 w incadenscent on purpose because of the new law.
We don't fly anywhere because there is no family to visit and not enough reason to go on a vacation like that if we had the money. (We already live in Colorado).
We don't recycle aluminum cans because we don't drink much pop. As for glass, we reuse any jars we can to store bulk bought items.
Maybe there should be a "snob" footprint calculator put up.
As for the world average; I would like see some places get better for the residents, but making my (our) life worse won't change theirs.