I remember Cheyenne Ranger commenting about a mould that he was having some problems with, and the use of mould release cured the problem. I've never tried it. I have just washed the moulds with hot soapy water, rinsed and dried, then clean with a solvent of some type that doesen't leave a residue, ie. alcohol, white gass, gun scrubber, electric motor cleaner, what ever I have available. Then I smoke the mould with a match and have had good luck. The point being that you want NO grease in the mould, casting a few bullets seems to finish the cleaning job.
My casting setup is pretty high tech though so that may make a difference. :-D :-D :-D I use a coleman stove, dutch oven and a ladle. The one thing that I purchased that has helped me tremendiously is a thermometer. I wouldn't recommend anyone try to cast with out one, After just a few heatting and cooling cycles, you will learn more about casting than you can read in any book. I feel that strongly about that $28 investment and my middle name is Cheap!