when i was a kid, my dad had an old gun that i just loved!
it was an old savage that was an over/under. 22mag over 20ga. well a deal on a browning BAR came along and dad sent the old savage off to netherland in trade for it. i have missed it since.
well the feller i know had this one in his collection and after a little talking over the week, i was able to pick it up.
this is a 22 hornet over 20 ga so it isnt the exact same gun, but it is still an old savage back in my safe... might would trade it if the exact gun came along, but that is probably gonna be the only way this one would leave... love these old things.
it does need a firing pin return spring for the rifle side, and i think the forend spring is weak, as it comes apart way easier than i think it should, but i am hoping that is a sourcable part... anyone know if spring kits are available for this? may want to replace em all while i am replacing...
anyway, hope you enjoy.