Lon, the .54's typically go for a little more than the .50's and flinters even more. I've looked at those pics several times now. It's a kit gun, probably finished with BC Tru-oil. I'd have passed on that one, as it has a pretty porous/open grained stock and I'd be willing to bet the wrist area will crack after a lot of use. Pretty, but too shiney for my liking.
On another note, I got a poorly done .45 kit from there a few years back. Stock wasn't even whiskered before BC Tru-oiled. Barrel was left in the white. After cleaning, the barrel was junk. Huge chunks of the lands were missing, but the grooves weren't pitted at all. Never seen that before. After stripping, I applied 2 coats of BLO and let dry for a month. It really darkened the wood and brought out the black in the grain. Many coats of wet sanded Tru-oil and it looked like a plastic BB gun stock, so I stripped it down again and refinsihed with 20 or so coats of wet sanded, hand rubbed Tung Oil. Finished out with hard felt pads. Here is a link to many of the pics I took thru the process. Took me about three months on the second finishing. Picked up a 4 digit .45 kit barrel that was never shot from e-Bay and after stripping the BC Plum Brown I LMF'd it. Never took any picks of the finished rifle, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!
My build...