Author Topic: CZ P-06  (Read 1663 times)

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Offline 03A2

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CZ P-06
« on: January 15, 2012, 02:56:49 PM »
Sharing some thoughts on this pistol after carrying it for about 3 months.
I ordered it after shooting the P-01, loved it and assumed the P-06 was identical other than caliber.  It is not.  The P-06 is slightly fatter and heavier.  I had been carrying a M&P 9mm and found it a little big for me to carry concealed and my lifestyle caused me to unholster/reholster the gun more than I was comfortable with the design of the M&P.  The P-06 is still enough thinner and smaller than the M&P that I am now comfortable with it  in jeans and tee inside a crossbreed that was the only holster made specifically for the P-06 that I could find from one of the big boys without a huge waiting period. I have been much happier with this holster than the N3 from Galco that I carried my M&P in, which I will readily admit probably does more for the concealment issue that the few hundredths of an inch here and there.  Point is, it is almost impossible to find a good summer comfort/special-type holster for the p-06, while there are a few out there for the P-01.
The magazine of the P-06 is not a flush fit like the P-01, but sticks out about 1/2", somewhat reducing the advantage of the shorter grip frame of the p series.  This is annoying me more and more, enough that after perusing several internet threads I ordered a magazine from midway (promag?) that is flush fitting and yet still holds the factory specified 10 rnds.  This magazine is actually listed for the cz-75 compact but rumors insisted it would work.  This magazine has a very sharp floorplate that cuts into my belly, a slightly different follower that will not engage slide lock on last shot, and has given me the only failure to feed to date with this pistol.  The round was a remanufactured 180 grn fmj from a tennessee company, but I don't carry with that magazine anymore.  I have been unable to find any other aftermarket mags for this pistol.
Reliability with both factory mags and many different brands of ammo has been excellent, including my carry ammo, the heavy buffalo bore 180 grain load.  Round count is now upwards of 600 with only that one failure on the last round from a sub par magazine that is not even made specifically for this pistol.  I would rate the accuracy as equal to that of my M&P.
The sights are a night sight, 3 green dot type, which are not labeled as trijicons but which do glow after being in a dark cabinet/console for over 24 hours. 
I am very happy with this pistol but wish there was better market support for it, and I would gladly buy a 9 round flush fitting magazine for it.  Hope this helps someone else looking at these pistols.

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Re: CZ P-06
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 03:39:22 AM »
Thanks for the good, honest review on the CZ P-06.  Most of what I hear about the CZ's is that they are well made and dependable so I would say you have made a good choose in that regard. 

Out of curiosity, was your M&P a full size or compact model?   
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Offline 03A2

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Re: CZ P-06
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2012, 03:15:36 PM »
My M&P9 was full size.
Another comment I wanted to make is that the finish is holding up well so far, I wipe it down weekly, but it has had sweat and condensation on it as well as rough treatment.