knight I think he would like grips to be wood, but any leads would be helpful
to us.How can we find out when gun was made,also was this normal not to have
caliber marked on it.
Thanks gunnut
As chefjeff mentioned above - it's a 100 year commemorative. That would make it 1971, give or take 1 year for pre-year ramp-up, and post-year ramp-down.
Are you sure the chambering isn't stamped? If it is .32cal it should have
"7.65x17SR" or "7.65" marked on the barrel right at the chamber. Lots of guns just don't have the frame or slide marked, rather they are marked on the barrel. Some guns you have to take apart to see it.
Here is what you are looking for:

Also, I think the H&R 100yr commemoratives were only .380ACP. So if it is .32cal, someone may have changed the barrel and mag(s).