If I really said what I feel about this Vegan, GB would kick me off the site. She hates me and the feeling is mutual. Her view is that if the wolves kill off all the Caribou, we will be forced to get all our food from the grocery. No more killing the poor animals. She would rather see them go extenct than to have people hunt them. About 8 years ago her pet biologist Gorden Haber was doing a study on wolves in the Cantwell area. Gordon was using a helicoptor for the study. Gordon was trying to debunk the scientific study done by The Alaska Dept Of Fish And Game. I wrote a letter to the editor. I told the Trappers in the Cantwell area to follow Gordons Cub or Helicopter when he left to go track the wolf packs. When Gordon circles an area there was a wolf pack there for the taking. The young men in the area did just that. After several of the packs Gordon had located were removed from the food chain, Priscillia threw a fit.
Another time Priscillia came to the Game Board meeting in Fairbanks to protest our Predator Control Program. She claimed we were trapping wolves too close to the Park. (Denali Park). She got up and gave testamony, someone had killed the Alpha Male from the Toklat Pack. This was a tragic loss for the public. Then Gordon Haber got up and gave the same speach, demanding a buffer zone be put in place so no trapping of wolves could take place within 50 miles of the Park. the Third person to give testamony was my friend Coke Wallace. Coke sat down and gave his name, then said "I'm the person that trapped that wolf, I caught it inside my horse corral. It was trying to kill a new foal that was born the night before". Coke recieved a standing ovation to his announcement. Pracillia got up and left.
anyway this will give you an idea about how she feels about hunting.