God bless America, freedom of speech, and the right to choose the people we associate and do business with. Of course, the liberal pantywetters, led by the Association of Communists Living Uniformly will say he discriminates against africans, mexicans, muslims, and liberals. BFD! that is Keller's right.
To all the people here that don't like this, get over it!!!
Yep; and the media had to search all of Mason, TX to find the one person who did not
entirely agree with this "good old boy".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaNJSyJZW6Y&feature=related As for me, I wish this guy were in our morning coffee circle..
Of course, the usual liberal panty-wetters don't like this guy... We can assume they think the world of this character, B Hussein's "Christian" preacher;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=qNPVpXTrX0A&NR=1 Uhhh...would somebody please tell the Rev Wright... his statement is NOT in the Bible, in fact the name "America" cannot even be found in the Bible ?
We can also assume these same liberals are proud of B Hussein and his whole family, be sure to read the texts to get the whole story..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=rZpXjwGULk0&NR=1 Special note: His book was once called.. " Lessons
of My Father " later changed to " Lessons
from My Father ".... that to me implies that he has adopted his father's politics and agenda...how do you see it ?