Cannonmn: "You help me make my point that this nozzle thing was made in a production lot, and threaded on a lathe or screw machine of some kind, thus the chatter marks. A hand tap would not leave regular chatter marks like that. To me the chatter marks mean the threading was done at a constant rpm (fps) which happens with a motorized machine, not hand-tapping."
I'm sorry, Starr, but I'm going to have to go with Cannonmn on this one, but I do realize how compelling your Orsini bomb image is. For those who believe that any self-respecting anarchist would chose the hedgehog device upon which to shape his destiny, I have only this to say: balderdash! These men were NOT the wild eyed fanatics that the industrialists of the age made them out to be. From my considerable reading on the subject, I have learned that most were of high intelligence, with extraordinary ability to develop simple, but effective plans that their "useful idiots" could easily carry out. No detail, however small was unconsidered. That's why very few Orsini bombs were ever thrown. After all, consider what the thrower would look like if he had ever tried to get a bomb built like the "hedgehog" to the point of execution:
From Starr's post: "It was first used by Felice Orsini in an attempt to assassinate Emperor Napoleon III in Paris on January 14, 1858. He had six made in Birmingham, England, tested three in London and threw two at the Emperor’s carriage. These first “Orsini Bombs” were near identical to cannonmn’s find, made in two parts with a “hedgehog” of percussion nipples at one end and a filling cap at the other.
They were filled with fulminate of mercury, the same as used in percussion caps." My goodness, you would almost certainly be "Mush" far before you reached the target! Fulminate of Mercury was the Extremely Sensitive substance used in cartridge primers right up to the 70s. Lead Syphanate is far more stable and almost as brisant an explosive. Anarchists were not stupid people, just determined.
Below you will find the American anarchist's choice of bombs. All that we have read about in US history have been of this type. Requiring no unusual associated items like 60 or 70 percussion caps, a padded delivery box the size of half a hog's head barrel, a screw-on flinger stick (a-la-potato masher grenade) or any other extraneous material you could either leave behind as you started your mission or fumbled with at the critical moment of use. American anarchists pretty much believed in the K.I.S.S. principle when it came to bombs made from easy to get 6 or 12 Pdr. shells or purpose made anarchist bombs like that believed to have been used in the Haymarket Square Police Bombing. See link below: Simple, easy to make and deadly. Confidently carried by any anarchist who had an escape plan memorized, there was very little to go wrong with these crude, but robust devices. Take a close look at the "Hedgehog's" competition. The initiation, (lighting of the fuse) is not a problem when you consider that 75% of adult males smoked cigars back in those days! Take a look:
1886 Anarchist bomb used in Chicago, Ill. Pretty hard to blow yourself up with something this simple before you reach your target.
American anarchist's loved the simplicity of these bombs. Just look, it ain't too complicated.