I was in the Fairbanks Fur Tannery earlier this week. Talking to the owner about wolf pelts. Asked about the Blue one he sold a few weeks back for $1,400.00. He pulled out a picture of a White Wolf, standing under a tree, caught in a trap. Solid white, no marking at all. Said someone had bought it earlier that day for $1,200.00. When word got out he had it, collectors started calling. First one to show up with cash got it.
Now you guys can understand why I am going out so much these days. Took a short jaunt last night on the snow machine. It's about three miles to the Tanana River from my house. Once on the river bed, I park and just sit for 20 minutes. Then I put on a red head lamp and start walking. Last night I was carrying a Savage .223/20ga. The Northern lights were out, and just beautiful. Enough light I did not need the headlite. Only got one Red Fox, but saw one maybe two Coyotes, running up the river ice. I'm not going out on the ice at night alone. Temp was 16 above.