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obama shoveling it for his union buds, the uaw.
« on: February 28, 2012, 01:01:42 PM »
  President Obama Suggests Romney Shoveling 'A Load of You-Know-What'ABC NewsBy Jake Tapper | ABC News – 6 hrs ago          Related Content 
  • President Obama Suggests Romney Shoveling 'A Load of You-Know-What' (ABC News)Enlarge Photo President Obama Suggests Romney Shoveling 'A Load of You-Know-What' (ABC News)
(Image Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
As Michigan Republicans headed to the polls Tuesday morning, President Obama delivered an aggressive defense of the bailout of the auto industry and his presidency in general, harshly criticizing GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney - though he never mentioned him by name.
"I've got to admit, it's been funny to watch some of these folks completely try to rewrite history now that you're back on your feet," the president said to a raucous crowd at the United Auto Workers Convention. "The same folks who said if we went forward with our plan to rescue Detroit, 'you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye.'"
In a November 2008 New York Times op-ed titled "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt," Romney wrote, "If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won't go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed."
In a boisterous, excited tone, President Obama continued, criticizing Republicans who said "the workers made out like bandits in all of this; that saving the American auto industry was just about paying back unions. Really? I mean, even by the standards of this town, that's a load of you-know-what."
Campaigning in Grand Rapids, Mich., earlier this month, Romney said the bailout was " crony capitalism ," arguing that President Obama had "gotten hundreds of millions of dollars from labor bosses for his campaign. And so he's paying them back in every way he knows how. One way of course was giving General Motors and Chrysler to the UAW."
As part of the GM bailout's complex arrangements, a UAW-owned trust was given a 17.5 percent ownership stake the car company (now roughly 10% as stock has been sold) in exchange for various concessions including the union taking responsibility for health care costs of retirees. The president today argued that with reduced hours and pay, some worker rights relinquished, and roughly 700,000 auto worker retirees seeing a reduction in health care benefits, workers indeed gave things up in the bailout.
The visit was an "official" presidential event, not campaign-related, but the odd dynamic when the president took the stage to chants of "Four More Years!" after which a labor official told the crowd, "This is not a political event."
That seemed a questionable assertion, given how the president continually referenced Romney, defending how his moves to save GM and Chrysler demanded change and accountability. "The other option we had was to do nothing, and allow these companies to fail," the president said. "In fact, some politicians said we should. Some even said we should 'let Detroit go bankrupt'" - another reference to Romney's New York Times op-ed.
The crowd booed at that reference.
"You remember that?" the president said to the crowd that clearly did. "You know him?"
"Think about what that choice would have meant for this country," the president said. "If we had turned our backs on you; if America had thrown in the towel; GM and Chrysler had gone under."
The president used the event to not only reject Republicans referring to labor unions as a special interest group, he painted his support of the industry as part and parcel of his campaign platform: ""This notion that we should have let the auto industry die; that we should pursue anti-worker policies in hopes unions like yours will buckle and unravel - that's part of that same old you're-on-your-own philosophy that says we should just leave everybody to fend for themselves….We can't afford to go back. Not now….The economy is getting stronger. The recovery is speeding up. And now is the time to keep our foot on the gas."
Without directly asking the UAW workers to help his re-election campaign he said, "I'll promise you this: as long as you've got an ounce of fight left in you, I'll have a ton of fight left in me."
-Jake Tapper and Mary Bruce
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Re: obama shoveling it for his union buds, the uaw.
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2012, 03:59:06 PM »
Auto bailout fact check: How Obama, Romney and Santorum stretch the truth, skip details
Michigan has become squirm central for Republican presidential candidates who are trying to explain their opposition to the auto bailout before the big primary in the home of automakers. Their tale is terribly tangled, and President Barack Obama isn't telling it straight either.
Obama, in taking credit, and Republicans, in assigning blame, have ignored one driving force behind the love-it-or-hate-it bailout: George W. Bush in the waning days of his presidency. Moreover, GOP rivals Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum would have people believe the United Auto Workers union runs General Motors and the government "gave" it away, neither true.
The issue is a particularly nettlesome one for Romney, Detroit-born son of a Michigan governor and auto company chief executive. His provocatively headlined 2008 article, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt," has made for tortured explanations in the campaign for the Feb. 28 primary — though the prescription he preached back then is not wholly at odds with what the government finally did.
Then again, Romney is hardly out on a Republican limb. Santorum opposes the bailout on similar grounds. As for the other candidates, Newt Gingrich raised the wild idea that Washington might force people to buy GM cars, and Ron Paul believes the market should let companies rise or fall without the government's intervention.
A look at some of the persistent claims about the bailout and how they compare with the facts:
ROMNEY: "If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won't go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed." — Nov. 18, 2008, New York Times op-ed article.
SANTORUM: "If they'd have gone through the orderly bankruptcy process, gone through a structured bankruptcy, they'd have come out in the same place, only we would have kept the integrity of the bankruptcy process without the government putting its fingers into it." — June 13 New Hampshire debate.
THE FACTS: No one can know what would have happened absent the bailout. But it's a distinctly minority view that the private sector, raked then by the financial crisis, would have nursed Detroit back to health without a massive infusion of federal aid. In late 2008, banks weren't making many loans, much less to companies that were out of cash. The Bush administration moved fast because it saw no time to let an orderly bankruptcy unfold, even if banks had the money and the will to steer automakers through the process.
Romney's grim prognosis, before GM and Chrysler took the aid, is in stark contrast with the turnaround that followed. Last week GM reported a record profit for 2011, two years after the company's near-collapse, and said 47,500 union workers will get $7,000 profit-sharing checks, the most ever.
Despite the bold headline — now making headlines of its own — Romney laid out some nuanced ideas, including substantial federal aid.
He called for the government to guarantee post-bankruptcy financing and to back up warranties so people would not be afraid to buy cars from the fragile companies. And he proposed a fivefold increase in federal research spending on energy.
OBAMA: "On the day I took office, our auto industry was on the verge of collapse. Some even said we should let it die. With a million jobs at stake, I refused to let that happen. In exchange for help, we demanded responsibility. We got workers and automakers to settle their differences. We got the industry to retool and restructure. Today, General Motors is back on top as the world's No. 1 automaker. Chrysler has grown faster in the U.S. than any major car company. Ford is investing billions in U.S. plants and factories. And together, the entire industry added nearly 160,000 jobs. We bet on American workers. We bet on American ingenuity. And tonight, the American auto industry is back." — Jan. 24 State of the Union speech.
THE FACTS: Lost in Obama's victory lap was the fact that Bush passed him the baton.
Pushing against a reluctant Congress, Bush steered $17.4 billion in emergency loans to GM and Chrysler in his final weeks in office, on condition they shrink debt, negotiate wage and benefit cuts with workers and submit plans to achieve "long-term viability, international competitiveness and energy efficiency."
The new Obama administration followed with more than $60 billion in aid, more expansive requirements and hands-on management of the crisis.
With hundreds of thousands of jobs at stake, ideology took a back seat. "Sometimes circumstances get in the way of philosophy," Bush said in a speech this month. "I didn't want there to be 21 percent unemployment."
Steven Rattner, who led Obama's auto task force, credited Bush with giving his team "a little breathing room" to restructure the companies and for providing a framework of "expected sacrifices that paved the way for our demands for give-ups from the stakeholders."
Obama's account of the automakers' recovery is true enough but skips key points.
For one, "we" had nothing to do with Ford, which declined a bailout and climbed back on its own. Second, viewers of the speech might not know that Chrysler is an Italian-owned company now.
Obama frequently invokes the unspecified "some" who thought the industry "should die" in what is a veiled swipe at Republicans who oppose the bailout, Romney prominently among them. But like the other GOP candidates, Romney never expressed a death wish for the auto industry. Nor did Republican congressional leaders.
At most, some were willing to take that risk by having automakers try to restructure in bankruptcy without a bailout. It's a course few believed would work in 2008. But bankruptcy is intended as a second chance, not an execution. It's the path Obama followed, though with massive federal aid that sweetened the odds.
SANTORUM: "All the federal government did was basically tip to the cronies, tip to the unions, gave the unions the company." — June 13 New Hampshire debate.
ROMNEY: "The idea of billions of dollars being wasted initially — then finally they adopted the managed bankruptcy. I was among others that said we ought to do that. And then after that, they gave the company to the UAW. They gave General Motors to the UAW and they gave Chrysler to Fiat." — Nov. 10 Michigan debate.
THE FACTS: These are distorted accounts of complex arrangements by which the companies, unions, government and courts fashioned a plan to lighten staggering health care and pension costs at the heart of the automakers' decline.
A trust owned by the United Auto Workers — but not directly managed by the union — received a 17.5 percent ownership stake in GM in return for taking over the health care costs of blue-collar retirees. That stake declined as the company left government ownership by selling stock to the public; it's now about 10 percent. In return for its share, the UAW could not strike over wages at Chrysler or GM in the last round of contract talks, and it gave other concessions too.
Just as the government did not give GM to the union, it did not give Chrysler to Fiat.
Chrysler and Fiat have paid back all but $1.3 billion of Chrysler's $12.5 billion bailout — with taxpayers likely to be out the rest. The Italian automaker got control of Chrysler by buying 23.5 percent of the company from the U.S. and Canadian governments, after receiving an initial 20 percent stake in exchange for management expertise and technology, then 15 percent for meeting performance targets.
The government has recouped more than $22 billion of its nearly $50 billion GM bailout, after agreeing to take stock in return for most of its investment. The government would get an additional $13.5 billion if it sold its remaining stock at current value. It is waiting for the stock price to rise before doing so, meaning the final cost to taxpayers is unknown.
GINGRICH: "Having become deeply involved in GM's operation, the federal government has a vested interest in the company's success. So what is stopping it from requiring all Americans — under threat of penalty — to buy a GM car?" — In his book "A Nation Like No Other," published last summer.
THE FACTS: This is called Newt being Newt.
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Re: obama shoveling it for his union buds, the uaw.
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2012, 04:12:59 PM »
Thats good to see, four more years with Obama and maybe then the Republicans, will learn what it takes to run a government !
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Re: obama shoveling it for his union buds, the uaw.
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2012, 04:28:12 PM »
Went thru the posts, nobody mentioned the fact, that China is the largest buyer of GM cars. Guess their workers can afford cars. Too bad that American workers can't afford them. gypsyman
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Re: obama shoveling it for his union buds, the uaw.
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2012, 04:39:43 PM »
Wouldn't have anything to do with a population 4.6 times larger than ours.
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves, and the wiser people so full of doubts." Bertrand Russell
"The speaking in perpetual hyperbole is comely in nothing but love" Francis Bacon, Sr.
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