Thanx for that info, Ken; I'll mic my sight and keep a ref. in my wallet. If you have one of those tall ones, could you pop it off and give me the OAH with a dial ind. across the base bottom to the top?
I know what you are getting at with 'try different ammo', weight and speeds, but, I really do want my arms to shoot what I have in inventory. When I have found a certain lot to shoot well I have bought in bulk, and those do perform well in a variety of my 22s. The Win 'Expert HV aint the greatest, but has been an economical round that has held its own for me against some higher priced stuff. I must admit, though, I run all through an old Paco Kelly 22 sizer. None just 'fall into' the sizer, but it is easy to tell the way oversize ones!
BTW, I first sort by sight; does the bullet look good?
Next, if Im getting picky, I lightly twist the bullet in the case; I end up with three groups, 'loose',' snuggish', and 'tight' (the tight are my 'match ammo')
Then the sizer.
I feel real good about using even low priced cartridges done this way, and have placed and won some matches. This past weekend I used just such (and also tried my Aguila SE std.vel., but the Winies were better) in my '69 3 screw, 5.5" SS to very much hold my own in a 22 sil. match
. Too bad Kelly isnt still providing those sizers, but any competent machinist can make them.
Woodduck, I shot NRA Bullseye some 30yrs ago and learned a lot!.......Im more than a little good at sorting out if its me or a gun, but there are lots of shooters who need to hear what you said in a topic like this, so goodonya!