Its an old Remington, and I dont even know the model. Its one of those guns thats been passed around the family as a clunker, but when it comes down to it, all I need. Its very accurate to me, and unless Im showing Dan how to shoot a skunk without spray, can usually hit a dime within 20 10 out of 10
Thats just the way I do it. Im not into the hand to hand combat, and would just as soon shoot the coyotes with a .22 , as a matter of fact I shoot the fox and coon as well. I guess Im a softy
. Lol. Actually it worked real well this year with me shooting, slinging the gun over my shoulder and quickly removing the trap while my partner swings the coyote out from the set. We were able to do this quickly enough that little blood was left at the set.
Yes we did. Started with the Sunday of the MTA meeting, with 8" waiting for me when I got home, 14-17" on monday, and about 4" per day through Friday, for a total of about 38" new.
I should also point out that there were two of us running this canine line, so please dont think I was running alone. We are both rookies in the canine trapping game. It was something we had wanted to do, but never really had made plans to do so until later on last summer. With me expecting a baby to show up sometime in Mid-November, we knew we had to commit to a couple weeks before hand, and we did. I cant tell you how many hours were spent debating traps, lure, locations, and techniques, but by the time it was time to lay steel it was all business. Very much a team effort, and something well continue for a long time to come!