Author Topic: Millions more of OUR money wasted. Fully functional EMPTY airport.  (Read 401 times)

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Offline powderman

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 Murtha Airport, brought to you by American taxpayersBy Jonathan Karl, Richard Coolidge & Sherisse Pham | Power Players – 9 hrs ago         Spinners and Winners
The Murtha Airport in Johnstown, Pa., is a prime example of taxpayer spending that refuses to die. Representative John Murtha steered some 150 million of taxpayer dollars to this eponymous airport over the last decade and despite the fact he died more than a year ago, the money keeps on coming.
Three years ago, we first visited the tiny airport, and found a monument to pork barrel spending: An airport with a $7 million air traffic control tower, $14 million hanger, and $18 million runway big enough to land any airplane in North America. For most of the day, the only thing this airport doesn't have is airplanes.
We flew there on one of three flights that arrive there daily, all of them from Washington D.C. About half the cost of every ticket, $100, is paid by American taxpayers, a subsidy Congress voted to renew just this past February.
The place had a shiny new luggage carousel, a state of the art tower, and some very bored air traffic controllers -- but very few passengers. The place is a tribute to the power of its namesake; everything from the reinforced runway to the radar facility to the new terminal, are all thanks to Democratic Congressman John Murtha, who died more than a year.
But the taxpayer subsidies that made his airport possible continue to flow. Since our visit, the Murtha airport has received from the federal government $559,476 in stimulus funds to rehab a back-up runway, $82,551 for air guidance signs, $226,638 to improve the taxiway,  $19,412 wildlife hazard assessments, $95,950 and $62,325 to install weather reporting.
Which goes to show the power of a mighty Congressman can last long after he's gone.  @yahoonews on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook;_ylc=X3oDMWE5djAydGFnBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxMjA0MDMgbmV3cyBwb3dlciBwbGF5ZXJzIG11cnRoYSB2BGNjb2RlA3B6YnVmY2FoNQRjcG9zAzYEZWQDMQRnA2lkLTIxNDMxNjcEaW50bAN1cwRpdGMDMARsdHh0A0VtcHR5YWlycG9ydGVhdHN1cG1pbGxpb25zBG1jb2RlA3B6YnVhbGxjYWg1BG1wb3MDMQRwa2d0AzEEcGtndgMxNQRwb3MDMARzZWMDdGQtZmVhBHNsawN0aHVtYmxpbmsEdGFyA2h0dHA6Ly9uZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbS9ibG9ncy9wb3dlci1wbGF5ZXJzLWFiYy1uZXdzL211cnRoYS1haXJwb3J0LWJyb3VnaHQtYW1lcmljYW4tdGF4cGF5ZXJzLTEwMDcwMjg0NC5odG1sBHRlc3QDNzAx/SIG=13vkigpgp/EXP=1333568239/**http%3A//
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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Offline DDZ

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Re: Millions more of OUR money wasted. Fully functional EMPTY airport.
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 11:25:26 AM »
I guess if you want to believe wikipedia, Murtha's airport looks pretty good. The fact is as of 2009 the airport had little use.

This is the same Murtha that was regularly ranked one of congress most corrupt politicians, and was called a king of pork. 
Murtha, if you remember accused a dozen Marines of killing civilians in Haditha Iraq, before there was any kind of investigation. All the Marines have been dismissed of the charges, and Murtha never apologised. Just ask any Vet what they think of Murtha. Murtha was a typical socialist democrat that threw money around as though it was free. I guess to him it was.

President Obama spent loads of political capital early in his administration to push a behemoth $787 billion "spendulous" bill through Congress. In this promised era of transparency and accountability, Americans were supposed to rest safely in the assurance that the President would hold the line against fraud, waste and political kickbacks.
 Apparently, Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) didn't get the memo.
 The John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport is tucked away on the outskirts of Johnstown, PA, a town with a population of approximately 21,000. On any given day the airport handles an average of 20 passengers on a total of three flights -- all to Washington Dulles International Airport. A recent exposé by ABC News found the airport "virtually deserted" and dubbed John Murtha's airport the "Airport for Nobody."
 Over the past decade, Congressman Murtha has secured at least $150 million in federal funding for his airport, in addition to a $147 per passenger annual government subsidy. Included in Murtha's earmarks are an $8 million state-of-the-art radar system that has never been used and a $6.5 million three-story National Guard and Reserve training center that resembles a ski lodge. In 2006, Murtha siphoned off $17.8 million of defense spending to replace a 7,000 foot asphalt runway with a concrete reinforced bed. Add it all up, and so much pork has flooded into Johnstown, PA, that somebody ought to call FEMA.
 Bottom line: Since 1999, American taxpayers have spent approximately $1200 per passenger to operate John Murtha's little airport. It would have been considerably less expensive if we had provided passengers a free shuttle to nearby Pittsburgh, purchased them a full fare ticket on a regional flight and picked up their meal expense along the way.
 But things weren't looking so good earlier for John Murtha's namesake airport when the economy took a downturn and declining passenger traffic resulted in a smaller slice of the taxpayers' pie. Along the way, Mr. Murtha tried unsuccessfully to squeeze a few more federal dollars for his pet project, though it wasn't until the stimulus money started trickling down the federal pipeline that he got the cash.
 Once the stimulus funds were available, however, the administration designated an additional $800,000 of taxpayers' money to pave a second runway at John Murtha's airport. Apparently, one runway isn't enough for three daily flights and 20 passengers.
 In the best case scenario, this decision appears to contradict the president's commitment not to allow stimulus funds "to be distributed…in response to improper influence or pressure." In the worst, it looks like the President is now a willing party to the very system of political paybacks he so vehemently opposed.
 Yet President Obama has repeatedly stressed the need "to make sure that every single dollar" of the stimulus money is "well spent." A single dollar of waste, the President admonished, will be exposed and stopped. Stimulus funds in an Obama administration were supposed to target only those projects that demonstrate the ability to "deliver programmatic results" and "achieve long-term public benefits."
 Congressman Murtha's airport does neither.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Millions more of OUR money wasted. Fully functional EMPTY airport.
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 11:38:11 AM »
uh, the taxpayer subsidy is for the commercial part of the airport which seldom gets a passenger.
passengers cannot enplane or deplane in the middle of military operations.
orlando international is an example of a dual purpose airport.
just murtha pork.
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Give me liberty, or give me death