Specific instructions given to me by neighborhood watch....I cannot follow onto private property other than my own other than to save a life, then it's my discretion. I cannot use deadly force except in the preservation of my own or other's lives. I cannot use force to prevent property crimes. I cannot approach anyone committing a crime, other than to save a life or prevent injury. In other words, I can't stop a man from stealing my neighbor's lawn mower...I can only call the cops for that.
Ben - we have a NW as well. Our rules say pretty much the same as what you have outlined above. I think that is common sense. As far as GZ goes I have a few questions for all who have read and responded to this thread:
When does being an observant member in your own community cross over into "stalking"?
Z was walking in the commons area between two rows of buildings to keep the "suspicious person" in sight. NW is about being observant and reporting.
Z did call 911 and when the operator told him "we don't need you to do that", Z responded "OK".
There has been much speculation that Z continued to follow after that. I don't believe for a second that any of us knows at what point Z turned around and started back towards his vehicle.
In my neighborhood there have been numerous mid day burglaries when most are at work. If I were at home and saw anyone suspicious and walked around to get a better look at them so I can better describe them to LEO, would you consider me a "stalker"?
I think the term stalking is being thrown about to show intent, so as to help bolster the charge of murder 2.
Our neighborhood watch has basically the same instructions. I have tried to codify it in a short statement, easily remembered when on patrol. It goes like this; "We are watch dogs, not attack dogs".
I also advise whenever possible, to patrol in pairs. That way you have a witness and someone "has your back". That head wound suggests, but doesn't yet prove..that Z would have been better off if somebody... 'had his back'.
Z should have had some identification as to who he was, it may have saved some problems, but then again, being identified as some form of the "establishment" may raise the ire of certain rebellious individuals...but that is THEIR problem. If perchance that were the case with TM, it certainly did become his problem.
To avoid confrontations, we have hats identifying ourselves as Neighborhood Watch. That big NW is in Scotchlight material, which ambient light usually emphasizes quite well. That way, anyone should know who we are and should take comfort that someone is watching the neighborhood.. That is, unless they are up to no good.
Below, see my hat;