I'll give him a call.I am wanting a few sets of drawings now,
I will probably just move ahead with this Dictator, I have been able to scale off of some pics and compare them with the drawings by William Green and I have a decent set of outlines for the side plates. The big push is for my 16 year old cousin, he needs a cnc project for metal shop by Monday. He has to prove that he can use the new CNC Plasma machine before moving on to his next personal project. I have given him a dxf of the side plates, all three transom plates and the gussets for the rear jack plates. I already have a pretty good start on all the other bits an pieces that needed work on the lathe. I plan on starting the barrel next week. So, I guess this will be a "stand-off" scale in Golfball caliber. My next one will probably be the 10" seacoast mortar of 1840.