Author Topic: Drew a Elk muzzle loading tag suggestions on a inline?  (Read 639 times)

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Offline wileynet

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Drew a Elk muzzle loading tag suggestions on a inline?
« on: May 04, 2012, 01:03:57 PM »

Drew a Elk Muzzleloading Tag carson forest northern NM most shots will be longer than 100 yards, i have two older guns a cva mountain and a H&R 58 ,just to damn old to see open sights any more. Any suggestions, local gun shop has a assortment of inlines, cva optima with a 2-7 scope  54 cal, and several other inline's in 50s
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Huntsman 58,NEF 45/70 manlicher stock, H&R 308, 30-06, 12 ga, 20 ga, H&R 223, H&R 204 varmiter,H&R 243, H&R 44mag, SMLE No 1 MKIV,SMLE No4 MK1, Savage 110 7mm, Ruger BH 45LC, Security Six, SR9, S&W 22a, CVA MTN Rifle, Optima