Thanks and true, it is another variable.
I think i am thinking ahead to the post-lapping phase: my .3095 bore is not going to shrink after the .3085 constriction is lapped out; so I will still have an oversize bore.
I measured an unloaded TSX today and is measured .308 exactly. So no matter what I am looking at needing a projectile larger than 308- unless there is some obturation from the core lok or other 308 bullet that fills the grooves. But there are all those nice premium bullets in .308 that i willhave to pass by, or will I???
OK, fine, i will wait. Am trying out the core loks and others tomorrow. And hope to have the lapping kit soon!
Just for fun though, i took a zigzag cigarrette paper (no i dont smoke, I use them for paper blackpowder cartridges) and wrapped it around until it was .310. Wasn't too difficult. Looks kind of neat-o, actually.