Author Topic: Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?  (Read 827 times)

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Offline 1armoured

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Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:25:35 PM »
Surely he must have everything going for him by now,
seeing the pundits have established all the facts.

He's not White/He's only half white/He's half black
He's a Democrat
He's a Liberal
He's a Socialist
He's a Communist
He's the 1st gay President
He's not a Christian
He's a Muslim
He wasn't born in the United States of America
He has a forged birth certificate
He's an Indonesian citizen
He has a forged SSN
His Father was a terrorist
He hangs out with terrorists

I've probably missed a few.

I know he was going to grab all the guns/ban assault weapons last election,
and why we suddenly had a shortage of guns and ammo.
Better buy up large again this time just in case, esp black guns.
You just never know when they're going to come in handy !

The Firearms trade must be rubbing their hands together in anticipation !

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Re: Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 02:09:56 PM »
>He's not White/He's only half white/He's half black
>He's a Democrat
Truth.  The rest are half truths, untruths, and outright lies.

Offline lakota

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Re: Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 03:24:36 PM »
Expect to see unprecedented election fraud this fall because if The Obama doesnt get a 2nd term then fine Youowemecrats every where will riot and burn every major metro area to the ground.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2012, 03:40:37 PM »
Why are his college records sealed?  He has told more lies than any president in my memory and that goes back to Kennedy.  He lied about the unemployment rate not getting above 8%.  It has and it has stayed there.  He is lying about the inflation rate.  My groceries have gone up 25% from last year.  Gas was $1.70 when he took office.  Now it is over $3 and he isn't even an oil man.  Why so long to produce a fraud birth certificate?  The one they put on line is a fraud because, my wife being a computer programer, exploded it.  It has three different pixil settings.  One for the certificate, one for the signatures, one for the name.  Hmmm.  If it was from the 60's and copied on the internet, it would have all one pixil setting.  He claims in one of his books that he was born in Kenya.  Why the dems ignore all these warning signs is beside me.  I didn't vote for Clinton, but he was a far better president.  He knew how to govern from the middle.  Obama doesn't.  Plain and simple.  He never accepts any wrongdoing, mistakes, or anything like that.  He is narcissist and blames others for everything.  He had a hard time appologising to Poland for saying the "Polish death camps".  He thought there were 57 states.  If he were a republican everyone would be all over him.  I am getting tired, I could go on and on.  Hillary Clinton with Bill behind her advising her would have made a better president.  Eric Holder got caught with "fast and furious" otherwise, there would be more gun control.  It is still on their agenda. 

Offline magooch

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Re: Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 06:02:11 AM »
My gosh, there are enough truths about Obama, no one has to make anything up about this guy.  In fact you couldn't make up some of the stupid crap this dude has said and all the lies he continues bleating out. 

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 07:35:34 AM »
Yep and he thinks taxing the millionares and billionares will solve the Federal budget problem.  You can take EVERY penny ALL the millionares and billionares make and would only pay about 10% of the Federal budget.  So, that is out.  MMM, sounds like DRASTIC cuts are in order.  He REFUSES to make cuts on ANY ENTITLEMENT.  The only way to fix social security is to have everyone under 40 retire at 70.  The only way to DRASTICLY cut the federal budget is to eliminate Obamacare for one.  Even the military services are having to experiment going to "green" fuel which costs 4 times more than oil.  The wars haven't stopped, still men over in Iraq, Afganistan, and who knows where else.  Another way is to MAKE illegals go HOME.  Alabama passed their illegal immigration law and the unemployment went down almost 2% lower than the 4 surrounding states.  HMMM.  I thought they didn't take American jobs.  It also cut the welfare, food stamps, and government services.  I vote that NO baby born in America of NON-AMERICANS can have citizenship outright.  They must apply for it when they get 18.  That will cut out anchor babies.  Drilling and pipeline construction would help us not be so dependent on foreign oil.  Easing the restrictions on diesel will also help cut foreign oil.  Lots of things he could do to help PRIVATE industry, but he only wants to help GOVERNMENT JOBS, which are parasites on the private industry. 

Offline Gary G

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Re: Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 02:03:54 PM »
It all depends on the economy and right now the leading economic indicators are turning down. When things get worse expect QEIII.

If the economy continues to get worse, people will vote for the other guy, Obama II with lighter skin.
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Offline 1marty

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Re: Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 02:35:53 PM »
Let's just say I've looked at both candidates and they have so many flaws I'm hard pressed to vote for either. Romney Care was an exact duplicate Obama Care. have decided to write in Homer Simpson. Would have liked Bart but he doesn't meet the age requirement for President.

Offline magooch

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Re: Obama a shoe-in for President in 2012 ?
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2012, 04:19:15 AM »
I can't remember when we had a perfect candidate.  Not even Ronald Reagan was perfect.  All that mattered was that he was better than what the Dumycrats were offering.  Anyone who can't understand that Romney is a hundred times better than the communist party (Dumycrats) is offering needs to get checked.  It's very likely your brain has died.