Author Topic: Source for taller Encore handgun front sight blades?  (Read 545 times)

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Offline schuetzen

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Source for taller Encore handgun front sight blades?
« on: June 12, 2012, 04:50:22 AM »

UPDATE:  I worked a solution using a rifle front ramp moved back to the second tapped hole.  I have a dovetail front blade bead sights that come out slightly taller than the original pistol front sight.  Next time I go to the range I will try sighting it in and will be able to determine if I need to order a different size front site blade.

The original 8-40 screw for the (rifle) front ramp measured about 0.240" diameter head.  I dug around my screws and found a 6-48 Oval head that measured ~0.210".  Other Oval Head 6-48 I have purchased are 0.200" diameter heads.  I spend the evening grinding on it with a Dremel until it was short enough.

I don't have a machine shop available to me, but I was able to use a .38 SPL brass case, drill out the primer flash hole and tap it with a 6-48 thread.  Then insert the screw from the inside so that the length I wanted to cut off was sticking out the primer pocket hole.  It makes a easier way to hold on to the small screws while using a Dremel to cut it short.

Is there a source for buying taller blades for Encore front sights used on handgun barrels?  (Or must one order them from TC?)

I had a disappointing experience buying small parts from TC in the past.  And would rather buy from some other source than go through the hassle I experienced before.
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Re: Source for taller Encore handgun front sight blades?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 07:39:47 AM »
What cal do you need it for? With the original TC rear sight?
I was looking for one too, for my 12" 44 mag. I learned that the 44mg sight IS the tallest that TC made and carries.........I could be wrong, but thats what I recall. I ended up buying an XS sights front dovetail ramp that has the same screw hole spacing as the Encore 1.5". With the dovetail, you can get any height blade or bead sight you want.
Brownells can get you the ramp.
I almost decided to make a new, taller front blade for the encore......would be pretty easy to make. Some have just epoxied a tru glow rod on top of the blade for enough added height, but that ain't for me.

Offline schuetzen

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Re: Source for taller Encore handgun front sight blades?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 08:08:39 AM »
The barrel was originally a 15" .308 WIN.  It has a permanently attached muzzle break, so it is a 16"+ overall length that I can use as a carbine.  The existing blade height measures about .175" above the surrounding front sight mount (ramp).

I am attempting to use it with a Williams rear peep sight.  However, the peep site has to sit way back (and low) to get the proper elevation.  It is on the verge of coming off it's mount.

The pistol front sight is held in place with two 6-48 screws.  I have a couple of Encore rifle barrel front ramps. (Part of the order that TC kept screwing up last year.  It took several months, contacting them three times and I still ended up short some screws.  I gave up dealing with TC).

The TC rifle front ramps use a larger 8-40 screw with a larger diameter head.  There is not enough meat on the 6-48 screws (at least the ones I have at present) to hold the ramp in place.  I will have to find larger diameter headed 6-48 screw that will hold the ramp.  Also, I would have to either grind off the front of the ramp were it bumps on the muzzle break attached or move it back to the rear screw hole of the barrel to mount it.

The front blades on the pistol front sights are simply constructed.  I just thought there might be a company that make a variety of these kinds of blades.

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