I bought a copy of a baby glock (Gas Gun) and love it. Not only is it an exact copy in controls, size, and feel but it is accurate and a lot of fun. I showed it to some SWAT guys I shoot with and they said airsoft guns have been proven to be one of the best training tools for force on force drills. According to them, nothing can better prepare you for the real thing then training with penaltys in pain. The mind and body learn much faster. And after doing a few drills, I beleive them. You make a mistake and BAM. The sting sticks in your mind and you don't make the same mistake again. Also, the adrenalin starts pumping and you quickly learn how in a gun fight you loose the sights and mechanics erode. Exelent training tool for indoor target practice and training drills highly recomended.
They now make airsofts repicating almost every major pistol and SMG modle so you can train with an exact copy of your carry gun. Another plus, my glock 26c was select fire, not very practical but every person that shoots it begs to shoot it again. The sensation of firing it is very close to the real thing it just with 90%less recoil. 25 shots 1.8 seconds cost $0.03. Awsome.