Author Topic: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?  (Read 1635 times)

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Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« on: July 04, 2012, 02:27:37 PM »
I want to get a pistol that is mainly as defense weapon but would work decent for an improvised hunting pistol. does the 1911 45acp fit that type use?
I also would need to reload for the pistol. Is the 45acp in a 1911 styled pistols get finicky about reloads? or is that a by the brand thing? what brands?
I am looking to spend $550 for new or used what would be my best options in the 45acp 1911 style platform?
Thanks for Your Time

My wife hates the S&W 357mag I got her. She has no problem with the recoil but hates revolvers and wants something with a magazine. If I go with a 45acp I would get a pair
one for her one for me. She has big(for a woman) hand so thats not a problem.
H&R carbine classic frame with topper deluxe 20ga barrel & 444marlin barrel(pending), Ruger no.3 in 444marlin(pending), Ruger Mark III standard 6", Ruger Super Blackhawk ss. 44mag Talo 3.75", Savage hog hunter 223 rem, Glock 21sf,

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 03:36:34 PM »
Reloading should be no problem, if you use a round nose type bullet.  Some of the 1911 clones won't feed wadcutters well.
Hunting?  Just my opinion, not worth much, but I don't see the 45 acp as a good hunting round.  It loses steam fast, so you would need to be really close.
The 44 mag. or 45 long Colt are good short range rounds, but the acp....?  Other more experienced folks will weigh in I'm sure.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 01:24:40 AM »
If you are going to reload then you have options other than the 45ACP. I believe the 9x23 would be a better option for what you want to do on a 5 inch 1911 platform. Others may disagree .... so be it ;D

Offline Mikey

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2012, 01:35:56 AM »
The 1911 will do for you just as you want.  If you have hunting in mind as well as personal defense you can always go for the 10mm and get a 40 cal barrel for lighter recoil and easier handling.
Will the 45 with handloads make a appropriate hunting platform - yep.  I regularly use a 238-240 gn Keith style (flat nose, sharp shoulder) semi-wadcutter made for the 45 Auto rim cartridge over a good load of Unique powder for almost 900'/sec from my Gov't Model Springfield and the load groups to 2" at 50m.  It will shoot through a whitetail and is adequate black bear defense.  It leaves a square hole. 
The 1911 in 45 is not finicky about reloads, as long as you shoot good reloads.  The 45 is easy to reload but the closer you get to borderline low powered loads the more problems you will have.  Unless you intend to shoot target loads I feel you should reload to typical factory velocities and standard pressures (not +P):  230 gn slugs in the 825-875'/sec range should function just fine; lighter slugs may need to move a bit faster unless you wear lighter weight recoil springs in your pistol for target work, but there are a number of 200 gn slugs out there that work very well at the 900'/sec, or better, range.
You can also find 1911 platforms in the 40 S&W caliber.  My cousin has a new Springfield 1911 (shorty style) in 40 caliber that is a sweet piece.  And lets not forget the 9mm:  the variety of loadings available for the 9 are incredible and the cartridge has worked since it was designed; it may not be the best choice for hunting though.
Have fun shopping and good luck.  Let us know whatcha wind up with.

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2012, 05:32:35 AM »
 Yup, the 1911 in 45ACP is an excellent hunting round – the only problem with it is the fact that not many people have ever used that platform for hunting.  You will find a lot of pisterlo’s shooting the 44 Mag and 45 Colt with 240 to 260 grain bullets at 900 to 1,000fps taking whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear and elk, so what’s the difference using the 1911 with the same components??

Just use the right bullet at an acceptable velocity and place that bullet in the proper place in the animal you intend to kill and that’s all she wrote.  There are several good bullets on the market for reloading such as the 230 grain gold dot, which is a bonded hollow point and if pushed to around 900/950fps you’ll get excellent penetration in thin skinned animals such as deer, bear and elk, however, a hardcast bullet usually performs better taking a raking shot or if you go for a shoulder shot.  A 250/255 grain hardcast having a 0.452 diameter can be loaded very safely to 950/1,000fps and a 260/265 grain to 900/950fps range.  I prefer VV N350 for powder but there are other powders out there that will provide similar performance.  If you don’t reload, Buffalo Bore sells a 255 grain cast bullet that flies 950/975fps from a 5” 1911, which is an excellent hunting round.

Another advantage is you can “fortify” that 1911 a little and convert it to handle 45ACP Super loads, which will run with the 44 mag and 45 Colt to a certain point and takes it to an whole new level.

I’d also recommend you go with a quality 1911 and they are sometimes hard to find at your current $550 spending limit.  A nice starter 1911 would be something like the Ruger SR1911, which goes for a little more than $100.00 over what you’re looking to pay for a 1911.  It’s fairly important to possess a 1911 that will keep all rounds within 4” at 25 yards from a rest if you intend to hunt with it.     

Offline Savage

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2012, 08:41:01 AM »
A 255gr LSWC at 870fps will shoot through a 160# deer end to end at 40yds. If that's adequate, then, yes, the .45acp can be used for hunting.
$550 is a little on the slack side for a decent 1911. My choices in that price range would be a Springfield or Taurus. If you can spend a little more, the Ruger might be a good choice. Don't forget used guns, you might get lucky and find a great deal on a Kimber or Springfield. Main thing on a hunting handgun IMO, is adjustable sights and a decent trigger. For a home defense pistol, the 1911 will do the job just fine.
Like Mikey, for your needs I'd likely look at the 10mm platform as well. With a .40 barrel and magazines it would still work well as a defensive handgun, and be cheaper to shoot a lot as well.  I love  the 1911, but it would not be my first choice in this application. My choice would be the Glock 20.
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Offline Casull

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2012, 08:52:14 AM »
I love  the 1911, but it would not be my first choice in this application. My choice would be the Glock 20.

I'm curious.  Why the Glock?  The 1911 has a much better trigger, and I would think it would be more accurate.
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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2012, 09:22:21 AM »
I absolutely hate 1911s so I'm not going to get a favorable outlook on this board. I had to carry a mini kimber for a duty gun at a place I used to work. They never did right, always jamming. Complained to the Sheriff countless times, sent the new pistol back 5 times and still always the same issue. Ammo was 230 gr (I believe) hydrashok. It would run wonderfully with round nose fmj. The sheriff wouldn't let us use our own pistols and wouldn't switch ammo due to the FBI backing for court cases. I left. Didn't see much chance of getting out of a sticky spot throwing rocks because the pistol was often a single shot.
 As for the .45 acp. It is a good little in close round for deer. My furthest was 42 yards with an xtp 300 gr. 45s drop pretty quick anyway, with a heavy bullet they kind of get laved out. But as long as there is enough energy to go through and through they don't give much complaint. A buddy of mine has killed 3 or 4 with a baby glock 27 (40) using 185 hydrashok factory ammo. That round is a much flatter shooter. The bullet choice isn't the best, don't expand much at all, but they will drive through. I think 40 some yards has been his furthest as well. I got rid of my contenders several years back, so if going out with a pistol only for deer I use a 10mm. But I don't feel under gunned if one meanders near when I am rifle hunting and decide to use the 45 instead of the rifle. As long as you have you can hit what your aiming at and the bullet will go out the other side I don't think the deer knows if it's a 45acp or a 45-70 out of a contender.
Molon labe

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2012, 10:58:04 AM »
I love  the 1911, but it would not be my first choice in this application. My choice would be the Glock 20.

I'm curious.  Why the Glock?  The 1911 has a much better trigger, and I would think it would be more accurate.

It's mainly the cartridge, I'm a fan of the 10mm. I have done my time with the Delta Elite and the Tanfoglio in 10mm. Both are fine pistols. I have found the Glock  to be as accurate as any when compared to others in it's price range, at least in general. There are individual exceptions at both extremes.  There is no better trigger than a good, tuned single action trigger. But------- the Glock trigger can be made surprising good. I have one I tuned that has a clean break, with zero overtravel, at a measured 3.6#. Good adjustable sights are a must, IMO, for any hunting handgun. Dawson makes some good ones. A .40 conversion barrel for the Glock 20 can be had for about $100, as well as the 9x23 or .357 Sig. The .357/.40/10mm all use the same magazine.  Not trying to talk you into anything, just pointing out another option that might meet your requirements. A Glock 20 should be easy to find within your budget.
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Offline Casull

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2012, 12:19:12 PM »
Thanks Savage.  I didn't realize you were talking about a different caliber.  I have a Kimber in .45 acp, but wouldn't mind another 1911 in 10mm.  Glocks certainly have their proponents, but I can't really get excited about a gun that is just butt ugly.   ;)
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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2012, 12:27:28 PM »
I just don't like the 10mm----so there! ;)
IF you made me choose it would have to be the 9x23 when considering hunting as part of the picture.
The 45 is a hard-to-beat round for S/D---or just shooting.
Hell---just own one of each---a big ol belt and ask the BG his prefrence for dying. In reality, I carry one of several different calibers, as the mood strikes.
Today is has been a Sig 239 in .357sig----mainly because I heard it crying from neglect the other day----actually it went on vaction to Fl.---It has no paperwork so don't ask.

Offline Savage

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2012, 12:30:59 PM »
Thanks Savage.  I didn't realize you were talking about a different caliber.  I have a Kimber in .45 acp, but wouldn't mind another 1911 in 10mm.  Glocks certainly have their proponents, but I can't really get excited about a gun that is just butt ugly.   ;)

LOL! They are butt ugly!!

Colt, Dan Wesson, maybe even Kimber make a 10mm on the 1911 platform. Likely more than I can think of right now. Either one would be a good choice. Or, even the Kimber you have in .45aco. I give an edge to the 10mm for hunting, for home defense it's likely a wash. I have a couple of Kimbers, they are always a good choice. Good shooting!
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Offline Richard P

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2012, 09:59:07 AM »
One accessory I believe you should own is a headspace gauge. If your loaded round drops in fully it should have no problem being fed into the chamber. Catch those potential jams at the bench. 

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2012, 01:29:44 PM »
I think if I were caught out in the wilderness for several days, a 1911 45acp would make me mighty confident that I could make meat with it.  Lots of the factory 230 grn. hp +P loads will do fine for a deer or black bear, and the hardball would do for small game.  Like others have stated, it's not the best choice for hunting, but it's enough.  Lots of game taken with lesser ballistics in blackpowder days. 

Offline Bart Solo

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Re: Is the 1911 a ok hunting platform and reloading?
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2012, 01:28:31 AM »
There is a world of difference between a hunting gun and a survival gun.  If I were to intentionally go hunting large game with a handgun, I would pick a Ruger Blackhawk or one of the big double actions from Smith or Ruger. I would probably mount a scope on a hunting pistol.  The 1911 would stay at home. 
In a wilderness survival situation you use the tools you have at hand. If the 1911 was the gun I had I would have confidence it would do the job. It was designed by a genius to be a piece of combat kit.   
If you are planning to go camping in the wilderness, however, not much beats a 22 LR pistol, either a revolver or a semi-auto.  The Ruger Mark III and Browning Buck Mark make fine kit guns.  The best kit gun is probably a Ruger Single Six. 
As to reloading, 45 acp is easy to reload. I just use a taper crimp instead of a roll crimp and I run every round through a headspace die to make sure each round will chamber.  You can have a lot of fun playing with different 45 acp loads.