Author Topic: Shooting Technique Advice needed: New SBH .44 hunter owner  (Read 415 times)

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Offline Mawgie

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Shooting Technique Advice needed: New SBH .44 hunter owner
« on: February 23, 2004, 11:42:18 AM »
Folks -

I am the new owner of a SBH Bisley Hunter in .44 Magnum.  This is my first handgun.  I would like some advice to improve my marksmanship.
Here's the background:

1) My range: 100 yard outdoor range. Target set at 25 yards. Shooting seated with elbows rested on the bench using a shooting tripod; an el cheapo, plastic, but relatively sturdy.  

2) Sights: Factory iron sights.

3) Load: 24.0 grains of H110 w/ a CCI Magnum Pistol Primer and a 240 XTP bullet.  This is right out of the Lyman loading manual.

4) I am shooting 2, 3 and 4 shot groups, varying the cylinders being shot, and in general trying to concentrate and take my time.

5) Grip: I am left handed, size L-XL hands (good-sized to big, but not real meathooks) and seem most comfortable taking a deep grip with the left hand so than the trigger meets my finger at the midpoint of the first metatarsal joint (the midpoint of my finger tip).  My left pinky is at the very bottom of the grip, with a slight overhang.  I add the right hand for the two hand grip, and  specifically hold my left middle finger tight to the grip, so as to avoid the nasty knuckle banging that awaits the inattentive.

Results.  I have shot the gun 4 times, firing an average of 50 rounds each session.  Results have been much less than awe inspiring.  My best four shot groups are: two shots touching; a third shot 3" from the 2 shot group; with a flyer 8"  away from the two shot group.

Between sessions, I have cleaned the gun barrel and cylinder carefully as follows: Birchwood Casey "GunScrubber"; two careful passes with a bore brush; then RemOil-ed patches until clean; toothbrush the rest of the gun; then use a Lead Cloth to get it looking good again.

My concerns are as follows:

1) Rear sight :  it seems awfully wide.  I am centering the front blade in the rear sight, but there is plenty of daylight on either side of it when I do.  However, the gun writers are routinely shooting my gun to MOA at 25 yards, with the same iron sights I bought.

2) Something loose?  I don't think so.  I have gone over the gun carefully, and the only thing loose has been the two screws holding the trigger guard to the gun.

I have done the Poor Boy Trigger Job, and am pleased wioth the gun's trigger pull.  I am trying to repeat my hold, sighting, etc. each shot.  

Any input would be most appreciated.

Thanks- Mawgie