In October 2002 an Islamist sniper terrorized the Washington, DC area. He was apprehended and now awaits his execution.
Why has this not been accomplished yet ?
Still worse yet, why did the networks inform us that John Muhammad was a Muslim ? Yes, we could surmise such by his name, but not with 100% surity. This was barely a year after the worst ever, single attack on American soil, and those responsible for providing citizens with the news, never saying positively that he was a Muslin, .....say nothing such as calling it like it was, and Islamofacist attack.. There was a documentary on the creep on TV today. Amazingly, his wife (whom he was trying to kill) still runs around in her Islamic dress etc..apparently a Muslim yet today. Some folks NEVER learn..
I greatly resent the news organizations having hidden the facts..
Political correctness will destroy our country yet !