Author Topic: Field day with the '51 Navy conversion  (Read 722 times)

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Field day with the '51 Navy conversion
« on: June 19, 2012, 08:05:09 AM »
I typed this post sometime back but it never appeared.  I musta hit the back button instead of the one to post.   :-\
Anyway, a while back I wanted to shoot my new to me Uberti conversion replica so I loaded up 50 odd rounds of 38 Spl. 158 gr. SWC's over a light load (4 gr.) of Unique.
After a bit of plinking at targets of opportunity down at the farm I was happy enough with the load and the functioning of the revolver.  But after firing a few cylinders full I noticed that, while the spent cases fell out of the chambers most of the time, occasionally I had to use the ejection rod to get a hull out of a chamber.  That really didn't concern me much.   :(
But then a chance examination of the fired cases reveled that some were bulged just ahead of the web.   :o  Maybe just on one side rather then all the way around... I forget exactly.   :-[

When I got home I grabbed my calipers and did some measuring.  Now I also forget what the exact cylinder measurements were  ::) , but they seemed pretty good and within SAMMI specs.  Hi-ebber, and day always be a hi-ebber, some of the cases were bulged out a few thousandths just ahead of the web.  The only conclusion I can come to is that at least one of the chambers is enlarged just inside the rear chamber mouth of the cylinder.   :-\
What y'all think?  How could that happen?
I thought about contacting Taylor & Co. and Uberti, and I thought about getting another cylinder.  But then I said to myself, "self" you only carry 5 rounds in the cylinder most of the time anyway!  So if there is only one offending chamber, I'll just ID it and leave that one empty.   ;D
If there is more then one...  :-\
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Re: Field day with the '51 Navy conversion
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2012, 03:38:41 PM »
" But then I said to myself, "self" you only carry 5 rounds in the cylinder most of the time anyway!  So if there is only one offending chamber, I'll just ID it and leave that one empty.    "

Self sounds like a sensible fellow    ...
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