How far out of battery are we talking about ? slide almost closed ? half way closed ?
Yes use your chamber to check your finished rounds until you get confident they will all work. The O A L should also be set using your barrel as a gauge.
seat the bullets so they drop into your barrel with the back of the case even with the barrel hood. If seated to long you may be getting a small lead ring at the barrel lead.
Make sure you remove all the flare from the case. Don't over crimp, it does nothing for bullet hold, and should only be used to remove the case flare you put there to seat the bullet. 45 ACP gains nothing from over crimping, the bullet hold is a frictional fit.
You will not increase case combustion by crushing the bullet with excessive crimping. All you will do is reduce the size of the bullet, you squeeze the bullet,
the case springs back and the lead does not. Some powders are dirty with reduced loads, the cure is a different powder or increase the load. Your powder should run fairly clean throughout it's load range. Not to say that you can't increase case pressure by over crimping a bullet with a crimp ring as in a revolver.
Unless you have a very tight chamber, and I don't think your Kimber does, normal reloading should be fine. You should not need a L F C D, there are times it can reduce the size of a lead bullet and give you barrel leading.
Not always but it can do it and it has done it. You should not have to use a rifle die to make your pistol ammo work. If you have UN-normal bulges in your cases after seating bullets, look at your seating routine. A slight bulge with lead bullets is fairly common ( read slight )
How do you remedy the problem when it happens?