Well Friday was my last day . My job was outsourced overseas. I finished training my replacements. It's going to take 3 overseas people to replace my American Job. One in Budapest, one in Malaysia, and one in India. (but somehow this saves the company monies???) talk about cheap labor and benefits I guess. But hey My manager saved her Job!!!!!! and threw the rest of us U.S. workers under the bus.
Anyway , I probably wont be on for a while as I have to turn my computer in tomorrow and cannot afford another at the moment.
I've enjoyed the debates and learned alot . even from those whose opinions differed from mine. I'm going to miss some of the spirited discussions. I hope you all hold true to your convictions on both sides as open dialogue is important.
Well at least I will have time to sight my 7mm-08 in and try different loads.
Hopefully I will be back in a few months once I find a new Job.
Peace to all ,
Don't get too high on a bottle,
just a little sip every now and then,
fight your fights,
find your grace,
and all the things that you can't change
and help somebody if you can,
and get right with the man
- Van Zant