The Kewpie is given for a great Cannon picture I like.
You might make a great cannon and post a lousy picture and not get a Kewpie. But if it is a really great cannon or cannon project and a lousy picture you might get a Kewpie.
You might post a lousy looking cannon in a great picture and get a kewpie.
I Think Zulu has the most, but he is going have to step it up to get another. By most standards his work is outstanding. Since the rest of us can't do work like his and every he does is incredible, in order for him to get another kewpie, he has to one up him self.
Dom has a few also.
I think all the sponsors have got Kewpies.
I got a kepwie for my SAMCC cannon by acclimation.
There some retro active kewpies....In fact there is one person who complained about not getting a kewpie, who if he had gone back a few years when he made his original post introducing his cannon, would find that he has a kewpie. He had made his post before I started the Kewpie. I never did tell him when he was sniveling about the kewpie...just enjoyed listening to him whine.
Only a couple of people have ever got a Kewpie for an attachment, it just looses something when given as attachment. I only give Kewpies now when pictures are posted.
I believe in the past year I have also given a Kewpie for a none cannon picture. I don't remember what it was but I think that was the only none cannon kewpie.
Why a kewpie. Kewpie dolls use to be given as prizes at carnivals.
Several years ago Tracy put up one of his famous contest , which he hasn't done for while. We had to indentify where certain pictures were taken from clues he provided. I used my skills as an Intel analyst and researched everything and kicked butt. For example I enlarged his pictures, looked up the phone number in a business window in the background and googled the number. THe hardest one was the Doubleday cannon on a rock oput ioa lake in NY. Tracy proclaimed me the winner, and I asked if I won a kewpie. Several weeks later her comes a Kewpie Doll in the mail from SeaCoast Artillery. My wife and i got a great laugh out of that.
I took some pictures of the Kepwie doll and posted for all to see.
Later to pass the honor winning a prize for a great cannon, I created the you win a Kewpie award.
Bottom line you post a pictue of a cannon that impresses me, and you might win a kewpie.