I am wanting to fix an old .22 of my father's into shooting shape so I can start teaching my stepson the fundamentals. It is a Sears & Roebuck, Ted Williams, Model 34 semi auto. For the last 10 years or so it hasn't functioned quite right... failure to eject, failure to feed, the safety sticks, etc. So I enlisted my brother's help the other day and we sat down and stripped it down thinking it possibly just needed a good cleaning and oiling, but the problem still persists.
I went hunting for a manual or any other literature I could find but all I could run down was the parts list and schematic... These guns haven't been manufactured since the 1960's so I am sort of at a loss.
If anyone has a pdf of the manual or knows a place to download or buy one, or even any experience working with this particular model, or any semi-auto rimfire, I would greatly appreciate any advice, pointers, info, or thoughts you may have.