, Glad you made it back aboard Badnews, I just got off the phone with "Kate" from Bob Behns Office at Marlin. She said Bob Behn (President of Marlin) was off on a road trip with "Tony" who has all the answers about why the sites were cancelled. I spoke to her of my feelings about how the sites increased sales of thier products 9both H&R and Marlin). One thing I did not mention and only saw after I hung up the phone was the satement from Marlin that they felt liability attached to them for statements on the sites. A simple and fair solution, a discalimer on each site, similar to those each of us must go through every time we sign onto a secure website which insulates the site from prosecution as long as they do or attempt to do thier job in protecting the information we impart to them. I attempted to call her back on the Marin 800 number but it just rings with no answer. She told me she has been very busy fielding calls and that she had no indication this was going to happen. Of course both the president and person in charge of the administration of the site are off "on the road" together. Boy oh boy, if this is not like what is happening all over the country, those who are not responsible for acts are left to explain them and those who are responsible flee and hide from those affected....God Help us all...just look what the haltime entertainment at the Superbowl has sunk to, what used to be good wholesome family entertainment has become an insult to all americans and the country, and I am not speaking only of the "costume malfunction" but of the entire embarassing, depraved and ignorant display, we and our country should all bear the blame and embarassment....<><.... :cry: