The ready availability of some quality .311 diameter bullets really negates the reasoning for the 30x57. Unless you have a spare .308 diameter barrel and want for some reason to make a semi short cartridge wildcat.
The 7x57 is one of my Favs, but I have a couple of 7.65 argees too, 1891, and 1898s. I like them all, really.
one of the wildcat spinoffs from days ago (late '40s through the '50s and even the '60s) was the 8mm/06, a rechamber of the surplus 98 mauser actions to take advantage of readily available 30/06 brass, because there was no 8x57 brass around, Today that is no longer the case either.
Paul Mauser had some very good ideas and chamberings, we've come back to them time and again under many different names and for many different reasons, but the performance is the same.