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Offline lgm270

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After a couple of years of black flash mobs and black intimidation of white voters, now we have this.

Offline rio grande

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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2012, 06:37:15 AM »
Earth calling Janet Napolitano....some real terrorists here!

Go get 'em Homeland "Security"!

Oh, sorry, I forgot.  Obama's grandfather is said to have been a Mau Mau
supporter, and they did the very same thing the NBPP is advocating.

Guess that rules out any help from Janet.

Offline Doublebass73

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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2012, 07:18:32 AM »
Ted Nugent gets investigated but these guys don't?
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Offline SwampThing762

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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 12:56:01 PM »
Of course Obummer will not order an investigation.  His agenda has always been about payback to whitey.

We learned the true nature of Islam on 11 Sept 2001.

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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2012, 01:58:45 PM »
The Black Panthers are to blacks what the KKK is to whites.  Extremes. 

Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2012, 02:35:41 PM »
The Black Panthers are to blacks what the KKK is to whites.  Extremes.

True.......but this administration will go after the KKK, The Black Panthers.....weeelllll......le's give em a pass!  ::)
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2012, 02:23:44 AM »
Yes, Obama went from Hope and Change to Hate and Blame.  Hope enough see this.

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2012, 05:34:11 AM »
The US Supreme Court ordered desegregation with "all deliberate speed" in the Brown II case, in 1955. Sad to say........If you want to see what America will look like in another 50 years or so. Go visit Detroit , Birmingham, St Lewis or any other city with a black majority.

I grew up in a Southern town, where the population was near 50/50.Around 75,000 total.
After the Civil Rights act in 1964 the governing went slowly from predominantly White to Black.
The violent crime rate rose dramatically and the White population dropped drastically as White flight began.Today!The population is around 48,000, and I would guess 40,000 are Black.
It went from one of the best places to raise a family in America to one of the worse.
The streets of Pine Bluff Arkansas are no longer safe for whites to travel.My brothers and sisters that still live near there(Part of White flight) travel longer distances to other towns for medical and other needs. They don't have a choice!
The main stream media refuses to tell it like it is! They are not about to report something Murderers like these Black Panthers have to say about killing Crackers!
I don't want to think of myself as racist, but if stating facts about a group of people is racist, then in the immortal words of Junior Samples....... I are one!

Damn shame they don't let people like Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell talk to America.
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2012, 06:07:41 AM »
Blending in takes time.  The government tried to force the issue.  Sure segregation for segregations sake is wrong, but people segregate themselves.  Birmingham had one section of Italians, one of Irish, one of English, one of Blacks.  They didn't go into each others section of town.  Crime was low in all of them.  With busing, and forced desegrigation of schools, it became a white, black issue.  Whites moved to the suburbs, blacks stayed in Birmingham.  Now, Jefferson county is bankrupt, largest bankrupcy of a city in America.  The white controlled areas have no such problems.
I think voluntary desegrigation should have taken place.  Blacks who qualified and wanted a better education, should have been allowed to attend white colleges and universities, but don't drop the standards for them.  Keep the standards the same.  What's fair is fair.  I also don't believe in affirmative action.  Too many unqualified people in various possitions. 
Blacks have had a harder time assimilating into mainstream American society because their IQ's are lower than Asians or Hispanics.  Hate to say that, but it is true.  They could improve their IQ's by education, but education is hard work, IF it isn't watered down, and standards are kept high. 
An average white kid with at IQ of 100, with drive and ambition, can get a college degree.  A white kid with an IQ of 140, but is lazy, will not achieve as much.  Same with blacks.
The government is the problem, not the solution.  Blacks by 1950 were being assimilated and about 50% of them were getting into the middle class. Most were married and had a father in the home.  Free love fostered by the hippy movement, and the government stepping in to "help" unwed mothers, created a welfare monster, that wasn't there in 1960.  Had things been left alone, but allowance for blacks to move into white neighborhoods if they could afford it, and go to white schools if they could afford it, slowly, things would have changed without all the strife, welfare, etc, hate, etc, that was created by the feds getting involved. 

Offline streak

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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2012, 06:43:16 AM »
Blending in takes time.  The government tried to force the issue.  Sure segregation for segregations sake is wrong, but people segregate themselves.  Birmingham had one section of Italians, one of Irish, one of English, one of Blacks.  They didn't go into each others section of town.  Crime was low in all of them.  With busing, and forced desegrigation of schools, it became a white, black issue.  Whites moved to the suburbs, blacks stayed in Birmingham.  Now, Jefferson county is bankrupt, largest bankrupcy of a city in America.  The white controlled areas have no such problems.
I think voluntary desegrigation should have taken place.  Blacks who qualified and wanted a better education, should have been allowed to attend white colleges and universities, but don't drop the standards for them.  Keep the standards the same.  What's fair is fair.  I also don't believe in affirmative action.  Too many unqualified people in various possitions. 
Blacks have had a harder time assimilating into mainstream American society because their IQ's are lower than Asians or Hispanics.  Hate to say that, but it is true.  They could improve their IQ's by education, but education is hard work, IF it isn't watered down, and standards are kept high. 
An average white kid with at IQ of 100, with drive and ambition, can get a college degree.  A white kid with an IQ of 140, but is lazy, will not achieve as much.  Same with blacks.
The government is the problem, not the solution.  Blacks by 1950 were being assimilated and about 50% of them were getting into the middle class. Most were married and had a father in the home.  Free love fostered by the hippy movement, and the government stepping in to "help" unwed mothers, created a welfare monster, that wasn't there in 1960.  Had things been left alone, but allowance for blacks to move into white neighborhoods if they could afford it, and go to white schools if they could afford it, slowly, things would have changed without all the strife, welfare, etc, hate, etc, that was created by the feds getting involved.
Dixie Dude,
 Alot of your remarks in this post I concur with 100%!
 I was born and raised for the most part in Louisiana during the late 1940`s and through the 50`s. In the part of N.W. Louisiana that I come from you could already see during this time the change that was taking place without any federal involvement! In fact some of the local black people did not want any outside black leaders coming to their area. After the federal involvement started, that is when the big problems really began!
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Re: Black Panther Party Calls for Torture and Killing of White People
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2012, 07:31:35 AM »
back in the 60's it was called white flight . today it would be called cornered . big difference
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