Author Topic: venting about O'bama  (Read 337 times)

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Offline ourway77

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venting about O'bama
« on: August 14, 2012, 08:34:18 AM »
This race for President is going to be very close, we must get the word out so that O'bama is a 1 term president. This man has made a mess of our country. He has motives for the constitution to fall he want to be a Dictator and send the country to a Muslim society. There's definite proof that is what he has in mind. If re-elected he will pass laws that will cripple our country Do you want to be subjected to Muslim rule? I sure don't. And as for the Health bill it's one giant tax it will hit every middle class american with taxation. He said he wouldn't raise taxes He has told one lie after another in hie 2008 campaign and he continues to have some of the people still believing his BS. He is the worst president in history. Thye liberals in this country better wake up and realize they have made a terrible mistake. O'bama if re-elected will hurt the middle class liberals as well as the rest of us. In 2008 he had the college young people believing he was going to do great things for America I hope they wake up and see him for what he really is. I was shocked when he was given the Noble Peace Prize what in God's name did he do to deserve such an honor?NOTHING We all have to come together and vote him out of office He has made a mockery of our flag, our religion, and he promotes same sex marriage. No President has done anyhing like what this man has done. If any Seniors vote for him they will be signing thier death warrant 1/3 of the country is on some sort of welfare. It makes me sick to think I have paid taxes all my life and he has given our money to the illegals in this country Free Medical, Free Money, Free Education and so on. That has to make you sick it does me We have seniors living on $300.00 to $500.00 a month or less and today what can one get for this kind of money poor people eat dog food while welfare reciepients and illegal aliens recieve as high as between $1200.00 to $1800.00 a month and when they were told they may have to do some sort of work they picketed and said that that was an unfair practice and our Government agreed and it was shot down. I am so sick of Senate and Congress voting them selfs raises any time they see fit and then they have the nerve to tell social security recipients there is no money to even give a C.O.L.O raise. I am really fed up with our whole system if and when we vote O'Bama out of office it will be sending a message to all politicians that we will not tolerate the way they have run the Government and from now on we will elect Senators and Congressman who will foght for the American people and not for them selfs. I guess by now you realize that I am fed up with our Government as you should be.I could go on and on how about our servicemen O'bame tried to say that sevicemen should pay thier own hospitalization cause they volunteered to become soldiers ( The Man Is Insane) Lets all fight with our votes and take back America. IN GOD WE TRUST Lou
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Re: venting about O'bama
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 08:54:40 AM »
Better to get congress to be 3/4 republican first then a republican president .Presidents don't make laws they sign them after congress makes them. With 3/4 control congress could shut the president down in many areas . The house alone could shut down spending if it had the guts to do so.
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Offline Empty Quiver

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Re: venting about O'bama
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2012, 09:02:40 AM »
I was born and raised in Illinois, spent 33 years there. Obama is a Chicago Democrat, nothing else need be said.
 Do I have to describe all the twists and turns of a Timber rattler? Of course not, I say Rattlesnake and you know enough to stay clear, You might watch out of curiosity but you won't try to cuddle up with the thing. You know why? Cause a Rattlesnake is gonna strike you he can't help himself it's what snakes do. Obama is no different, not in the least. He's going to spend money and raise taxes it's what they do. A Chicago Democrat will lie cheat and steal to stay in power, they can't help themselves.
The man stinks, he swam in that political sewer, the smell can't be washed away. I recognized it over six years ago at the Dem convention. The smell was fresh then and to those who have smelled it at the source, it is repugnant.
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: venting about O'bama
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 09:13:48 AM »
Presidents can write executive orders, and I think they have to have a 2/3 majority in Senate to overturn. 


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Re: venting about O'bama
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2012, 01:09:26 AM »
Presidents can write executive orders, and I think they have to have a 2/3 majority in Senate to overturn.

my reason for 3/4 control = 2/3 with some to spare  ;)
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Offline magooch

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Re: venting about O'bama
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2012, 03:52:34 AM »
Obama has made no secret that he will rule by dictate if and when he wants.  He has stated that exact intention more than once and has followed through.  This is not exclusive to him; other presidents have issued executive orders.  Obama has done it in a particularly defiant and disrespectful manner--even to the degree of unconstitutionality.