I've read through a bunch of the political threads here. I'm interested in all those who are "not going to vote or are voting libertarian and can't wait for the government to collapse."
Let's talk about that. I'd like to know this:
1. If the government falls apart, who would lead your restructuring? Gary Johnson? Ron Paul? Do you think a country would follow them in any numbers?
2. What makes you think your views would automatically be accepted?
3. Do you realize that the media would still be there and they would paint you as backwoods hillbilly extremists?
4. By destroying what we have, that would mean everyone would start with nothing: no savings, retirements, seniors, retirees's and millions more would be left desolate and suffering.
5. We would not have a military. No government = no pay = no soldiers, etc. We would be vulnerable to attack from China, Russia, (Cuba and Venezuela?
I personally think we would be far worse off. The chaos would be extreme. I don't know if many of you actually try to go beyond the thought of keeping your powder dry or anything more than that. The media would sway most American's against everything you would want. They'd make it all out to be conservative's fault that this happened in the first place. Don't believe me? Look at the depression, the housing crisis, etc. No democrat or liberal is ever blamed. American's believe it is always the conservative's fault. To think that people will automatically "see the light" is devoid of fact and is a pipe dream libertarians have. Look at Greece? Have they seen the light? Has any country seen the light when they've been fiscallydestroyed?
How do you know those with guns would even support you and your agenda? Seems to me, that the libertarian's view, would not be the majority conservative view and thus division and possibly a civil war. Don't think that those who believe in smaller governments would automatically win all that they want. In fact, even if we did go back to scratch, we'd be lucky to have a new constitution anywhere near as good as we have now. If you started everything new, it would only be a matter of time before the country would end up in the same place we are today.
Also something to think about. When crisis and fiscal destruction have happened in the past--Who stepped in immediately? The Communists and leftists and they grabbed power and crush dissidents. They are doing so in Greece also look at the Arab countries now. They will already be organized and prepared and probably have outside help from other big powers in the world. So don't think things will be like they were during the Revolutionary war. It could easily go the other way.
I think you should look into yourself and think about this and realize it when you say you will not vote for someone because he is not 100% what I want. No one is nor will they ever be.