Latest UP-Date:
Steve's oldest brother took Steve's hand awhile ago, and in a loud voice began telling him to wake up!, wake up, and finally he did. Steve has been heavily sedated and on a ventilator ever since the accident, and hasn't responded to anyone until today. Don asked him if he knew who he was, and Steve squeezed his hand.
They found his neck is broken in two places. Witnesses to the accident have come forward and said he was thrown several feet into the air. The Town's Doctor and his wife were two cars behind the accident. They immediately began attending to Steve. They know practically everyone in the town, as the Doctor is also the Football Team Doctor at every game, and has been for many years.
The Doctor's wife, Susanne, while working on Steve said that a strange woman came up, and said she knew Steve. Susanne looked at her and didn't recognize the lady, and asked how she knew him. The stranger said, " I've known him for a long time. He's going to be alright." Susanne looked at Steve, and turned to look at the woman again, and she was gone. The Doctor's wife said...." I know that was an angel" !
One thing for certain is - this man is proof that miracles do happen. Thanks for your prayers