First off, a huge THANK YOU to the persons who sold me the barrels for this project, you know who you are, but I dont know if you want to be identified publicly.
Moderators, Please feel free to move this post to where ever you feel is appropriate if this is the wrong section of the forum.
Second, some time ago, I bought a couple .22 Contender barrels after posting an ad for a beater .22 barrel for a project. The idea is to have a integrally suppressed .22 Contender, and I want to build this myself. Well, it has taken me long enough due to my truck dying and having to be replaced recently, but I almost have enough money saved for the required tax stamp. I have been looking at various designs and have access to the tools to do it myself--but NOTHING will be done until AFTER I have the stamp, this is just the research/paperwork/payment phase for now--along with a machinist friend who has a complete machine shop at his disposal for the things I dont have the skills or tools to do myself for now. Seeing as how I want to use cheap bulk pack ammunition which is high velocity, I need to start the vents into the can within 5" of the breech, it is either this, or pony up for the more expensive subsonic ammunition, which I would rather not do. The idea I am working with currently is to machine the barrel thin starting about 4" in front of the breech, turn a "washer plug" on the lathe that will slip onto the barrel and close off the gasss from bliwing out in my face, then do some sort of baffle system, slip on a tube to hold the whole thingin place and sealed, and then thread the muzzle of the .22 barrel in order to hold the outside tube tight against the rear washer plug. I think this design would do a good job of sealing the system to provide suppression while allowing disassembly for cleaning since we all know how filthy .22 LR is to shoot. I want this to have more internal volume than the commercial offerings to keep it as quiet as possible, but don't know if there is a point of diminishing returns or not. Any advice on this project is appreciated, and I will print out any and all information provided, but please be patient with this project as I have been told that the turn around time for the stamp is close to 7 months now, and I WILL NOT do anything beyond research on this project until after I have the required stamp. I dont like the relevant laws, but I would much rather wait for my stamp and complain about the system as it is from OUTSIDE a jail cell, than INSIDE one. I hope you all understand. And thank you all for any and all information or suggestions regarding this project.