I'm sure more than a few of us have sent emails to H&R complaining about the turn of recent events. Here is an address to the CEO of H&R. A handwritten letter to him could well have the decision weighed in a different light.
Of course, be polite, but be sure to tell him what the site meant ot you as a member and as a consumer. Many of you spoke of not making a decision to buy an H&R/NEF untill you read the board. The CEO needs to know this, and he needs to know what kind of marketing tool the board and site really is.
When I joined I was member 1238 (or something like that) That was a year ago. There were almost 4000 members when the board was shut down, and Marlin talk was over 12000 6 months ago. As much as we may like it here, nowhere near the people shooting H&R's will find us, and no where near as many will know just how good these little rifles are. That would be a shame, for us and H&R
Mr. Robert Chipman
60 Industrial Rowe
Gardner, MA 01440