Author Topic: So what can we do about it?  (Read 446 times)

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Offline thumper113

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So what can we do about it?
« on: September 09, 2012, 12:06:06 PM »
I think most on here believe that our government is off track and we no longer get any options we actually like from the two parties.

So, since there are so many who obviously care about it, what can we do about it?

What are YOU willing to do to help make changes?
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: So what can we do about it?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2012, 12:27:37 PM »
I think most on here believe that our government is off track and we no longer get any options we actually like from the two parties.

So, since there are so many who obviously care about it, what can we do about it?

What are YOU willing to do to help make changes?
I have offered many times to try to come together and stop the name calling and for everyone to get active at the local level and get some honest people elected.  but it'll never happen on GBO until GB joins in.  it's like some don't care if obama wins.  it's like going to war and letting the enemy win the first battle so we can play catch-up four years later.  I am constantly sending e-mails and letters and 'when I'm able' attending tea-party rallies.
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Re: So what can we do about it?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 01:09:15 PM »
After next year, run for office. Winning is unlikely, but perhaps one can at least promote some debate. One of my friends is/ was a "consultant" for local republicans, his regular job as a grant writer and consultant had him researching opinion, rules and regs etc to apply for various government or private foundation sources of money. He was one of the "handlers". 
   The candidate himself was a physician, a surgeon, and I am sure a bright man. He had a genuine interest in reforming or changing one or two issues. The rest was pretty much a blank slate. My "friend's" job was to get him elected, and to guarantee what was filled in on that "blank slate". He himself was not nearly as interested in any one position as he was in winning. If his man won, his stock and worth just jumped several notches, his fees increased , he was in more demand. He WAS financed however by persons who DID have a very keen interest in many issues, and they were willing to pay nicely to see that position filled in that blank. I wanted to talk to the doctor, I had met him in the community a few times. I was at a fundraising dinner ( cheap one-$25 donation)and my friend was there with him. I wanted to talk about some medicaid issues that I happen because of my job to know a lot about. I had played golf on the same 4 man team with him for 3 years. He acted like he had never seen me before in his life. I got about 30 seconds and the good doctor was dragged away by my "friend" over to the deep end of the pool where the $500 dollar guys sat.

     I don't know if anything CAN be done at this point, lest fate brings certain issues to collide in some perfect storm that generates a huge ground swell of opinion that can overrun party dogma and propaganda.
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Offline thumper113

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So what can we do about it?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 01:18:34 PM »
Biggest thing I've thought of is a "get out the vote" campaign for this election.

If the Christians make their voice heard in numbers, they can't continue to ignore us.

Maybe a voting place petition that is simply, "I'm a Christian and I voted" list to send to both parties?
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Re: So what can we do about it?
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2012, 04:28:26 PM »
I think most on here believe that our government is off track and we no longer get any options we actually like from the two parties.

So, since there are so many who obviously care about it, what can we do about it?

What are YOU willing to do to help make changes?
I have offered many times to try to come together and stop the name calling and for everyone to get active at the local level and get some honest people elected.  but it'll never happen on GBO until GB joins in.  it's like some don't care if obama wins.  it's like going to war and letting the enemy win the first battle so we can play catch-up four years later.  I am constantly sending e-mails and letters and 'when I'm able' attending tea-party rallies.
Evidently you havent been listening to Graybeard, but I will not dare to put words into or from his mouth. If you wish make your own summary of his thoughts and predict which dirrection he would lead. ear
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An economic crash like the one of the 1920s is the only thing that will get the US off of the road to Socialism that we are on and give our children a chance at a future with freedom and possibility of economic success.
everyone hears but very few see. (I can't see either, I'm not on the corporate board making rules that sound exactly the opposite of what they mean, plus loopholes) ear
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Re: So what can we do about it?
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2012, 06:12:35 PM »
Quite frankly I think it's too late for anything but a full on revolutionary war in the US to change the direction. The cabal has us all where they want us. I kinda doubt a shooting revolt would work.

Why? Cuz I'm convinced that most of the military as well as cops at all levels will follow orders and shoot down US Citizens without a second thought. Minus a large percentage of the military and at least local/state level cops I just can't see how citizens could win such a war.

There is no united front, no organization and frankly no way to do it cuz the feds can shut down communication nationwide anytime they wish. Hell congress has even given the blessing to do so already.

Sadly the struggle is gonna be a long one. Maybe some of our grand kids will see things turn around but more likely it will be their grand kids that see it. First ya got to hit rock bottom and the majority have to see there is no way up again except to put their lives on the line. Yeah when it happens they'll prolly have nothing more than sticks, rocks and whatever weapons they can take from the establishment if/when they kill them.

I kinda wish we'd had this internet 30-40 years ago when I was physically able and could use it to promote what I think is needed. It wasn't and these days I'm too old and my health is too poor to do more than give you a warning of what I believe is coming. My days of leading are over. For me political office to try and change things from within are long past. Perhaps some of you young enough can run and maybe start to make a difference.

But any of you who thinks the internet is the way to go about organizing for a shooting war I say to you that you are out of your mind. This site and all like it plus all the billions of sites world wide are monitored by our wonderful government. They are even monitoring your yards via satellite and soon via drones as well.

If you think all that is not to keep US Citizens in line as subjects then again I say you're out of your mind.

I wish I were in a position financially and physically to do as Ron Paul has done and get the message out but I'm not and I know it. Darn few seem to have listened to Paul and he had a far better platform to talk from than me. My message wouldn't be that different than his. We need to believe in and if necessary die for that document and our country. We need to stop voting for folks in either major party at all levels. We need to get new blood into the political arena at the local level cuz that's where it all starts.

The one bright ray of sunshine I see in what has happened in this election cycle is that Paul has reached the hearts and minds of a great many youth. It is now up to those youths to stay the course and weed out the likes of what both parties are putting up for office.

Frankly I don't believe it matters who you vote or or if you vote at all. Pretty much every ballot in the nation these days is counted by computers and the folks who program those computers like both political parties are owned lock, stock and barrel by the cabal.

Sorry to be a pessimist but it is my nature. I think we are several generations away from turning things around. That's the view from here.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: So what can we do about it?
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2012, 12:30:00 AM »
I've been reading some of the platform of the Constitution-party and that's where I think everyone should be.  however, where I live there are no candidates from that party running for anything.
and since democrats and libertarians both believe in killing babies, I have to be pro tea-party and pro republican and keep pecking away with my e-mails.
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Offline powderman

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Re: So what can we do about it?
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2012, 03:39:18 AM »
Why? Cuz I'm convinced that most of the military as well as cops at all levels will follow orders and shoot down US Citizens without a second thought. Minus a large percentage of the military and at least local/state level cops I just can't see how citizens could win such a war.

Sorry to say it but I too believe they would follow orders, we would be considered homegrown terrorists. POWDERMAN.  :( :(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

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What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Re: So what can we do about it?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2012, 05:08:44 AM »
I think education is key. But it appears that many in this country can't be educated. And education based in truth is severely lacking in schools and media. I have yet to see an effective educational tool that causes everyone to make rational decisions on how America is suppposed to work. America's grand 'experiment' is the best system of government ever devised. But we keep straying from those founding principles and ideals. Many people just don't want to be 'Americans' anymore. It seems that because of straying from what America is supposed to be and making huge misstakes in the past and in the present has caused many to want to just can the whole system instead of fixing it and returning to our governmental roots, (so to speak). Unfortunatly, GB's senario might very well play out. America is not found in Bible prophecy, (in any kind of leadership roll at least), and with America's relationship and status with other countries in the world being purposely diminished by our current "leader", I don't see much hope for America. I think all of the wishful thinking about America going though some sort of 'reset' is just that. Wishful thinking. Other countries around the world will pounce on us if we willingly self destruct from internal civil unrest and confusion the likes of which is becoming more likely every day.
I think education is the key. But many just refuse to be educated and can't make rational decisions based on the truth and history. That is why there is so much revisionist history being taught by radicals that hate America and want to see Obama's "fundamental change"......Not very hopeful to say the least.
"What are YOU willing to do to help make changes?"
Keep telling the truth, vote for and support the candidate that most closely aligns themself with true conservative American principles, within the boundaries set by our American process. I'm a simple man, not able to run for office myself. I doubt I will be doing anything as radical as violent protests, destruction of property or hurting others. Christianity dictates a different form of behavior from me.


Offline thumper113

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Re: So what can we do about it?
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2012, 03:29:57 PM »
Unfortunately I agree that it may be too late to do anything, but I don't think its too late because the government is too entrenched or conspiracies.  I think its too late because most of America has become apathetic.

At this stage most of the people WANT the government to do everything for them.  They want the government to think for them.

I know entire families (3+ generations now) that HAVE NEVER VOTED!!!

No one in my wife's family has ever voted.  They are too apathetic.  It has shocked me at the people I've met around 50 who have never voted in their lives.  Disgusting!

Since it is government of the people by the people for the people, if the people are too lazy to get off their butts or use their minds, we end up right where we are now.

I was ready to turn off the Olympics if I saw another athlete stand on the podium and NOT pay respect to our flag like they did in 2008.

Bottom line:  Americans don't care about America anymore.  They just want someone to do all their thinking for them and won't  come around until they wake up one day in a socialist country.

I think our country has ways in place we could turn it around (like the recall in California), but it would take the people and they just don't care enough anymore. 

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