We need an aggressive program to become energy independent.
1) Use natural gas
2) Build coal gasification plants to make syntnetic diesel and gasoline.
3) Drill everywhere
4) Then we need to stop using ethynol for fuel and use it to feed our animals.
5) Stop buying foreign oil.
6) Cut off foreign aid except for humanitarian aid.
7) Bring our troops home, close all unnecessary bases. If the Saudi's or Qutar, or Kuait wants us to be there, they can pay us.
Keep a strong navy if necessary to intervein.
9) Put troops brought home on the border.
10) Round up and send home ALL illegals. Enough is enough.
11) lower or eliminate taxes on manufacturers to bring home the manufacturing base.
12) Cut government welfare plans, especially those that overlap in benefits.
13) Have government buy up excess food production instead of paying farmers NOT to grow. Store this for droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and for humanitarian foreign aid.
14) Keep our nukes, do not cut down the active number, we only have 5% of the worlds people. Nukes are our aces.
I probably have some more but can't think of them right now.
Doing all of the above makes us stronger, less dependent, and able to project our power when necessary.