Author Topic: On being poor in America.  (Read 1182 times)

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Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: On being poor in America.
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2012, 02:56:24 PM »
Clearly you do not understand taxes.  I will take the baby steps to get you to the same conclusion that higher taxes hurt the poor the most even if they are not directly paying them.
A business sees a tax as a cost of doing business.  As taxes increase, so do the costs in an elastic good.  In an inelastic good cost cutting measures are usually made or a substitution good is used.
So while 47% or more of the country does not pay federal income taxes directly to the government they do pay taxes as they consume goods. 
An elastic good is something you need and there is not an easy substitution for it.  Gasoline in your car.  If you need 15 gallons of fuel to go to and from work each week you will have to pay the price no matter what and other items will need to be cut from your budget.
An in elastic good is something that can be substituted easliy for a cheaper good.  Butter vs Margine.  This is where cost cutting comes in.  And the easest way to cut costs is to cut labor costs by reducing the workforce, by moving production to a lower cost (lower tax) area, by inovating, or by diversifying.  The first people you lay off are the unskilled workers, the poor.
Now with everyone, the higher prices go, the more work is needed to pay for the goods.  A stay at home mother is forced to have latch key kids to go out and work to pay the increasing costs of needed items.  I will not get into the latch key kids and juvinille obesity as well as the gang problems this creates.
An apartment building where rent was $400 a month and an increase in both property and income taxes to the owner could lead to either higher rents or in rent controled places the abadonment of the building and a slum is created where not enough profit is availabe to repair and keep up the building, the people that can afford to leave do so and move to nicer places.  The poorest are stuck in a building that only gets worse.
Do you now understand why I said that increasing taxes hurts  the poor the most even if they are not directy paying taxes?
Look at your own life you hire and fire people all the time based on costs.  Do I go out to eat? Hire a waiter, chef, cooks, butcher, grocer..... All the way to the farmer.  Or do I go back to that place, fire them.  If you knew that prices (your costs) were going to go up would you fire a bunch of people in your life?  Would the nice restaraunt get fired and the local pizza place get hired?  Would the dry cleaners get fired and the coin laundry get hired?  You see based on costs your demand for goods goes up and down.  If a Porsche was 2,000 instead of 150,000 would you get rid of the standard 15,000 Ford and buy a porsche?   If another employer wanted to pay you 20% more to change jobs would you?  Would you go back to your company and ask for a raise not to leave? Of course you would.  Companies are no different they look for the best cost value relationship.  Sometimes that includes raising prices due to an increase in costs and those price increases hurt the poor the most.
In typical liberal fasion you think that stealing from the rich helps the poor but it hurts them the most in the form of higher prices and few unskilled jobs to gain experience and prove your self to get a better job and move up.
 You need to stop and stand back from your socialized tax cut schemes to aid the under class by feeding the rich.. ;D . Fact is ownership of homes permits tax breaks. When your socialized tax schemes are tilted in favor of the wealthy attaining more an more wealth in fewer and fewer hands and when the economic enviornment is manipulated to encourage production to be offshored social collapse is certain to happen as domestic production capitalism shifts to finance capitalism which is nothing but asset stripping and skimming, which Mitt is an expert in. And this is why your social assistence programs to the rich are failing--i.e. because there is less and less production to funnel jobs into, and this happens when taxes are cut causing less and less wealth spread around.
As for elastic and inelastic demand; and staples vs discretionary goods theoretical good rhetoric, but meaningless to dwindling middle class and underclass who are tapped out because all the wealth of the country has been pilfered and in too few hands. Even these asset skimmers are starting to bail from the Market as we speak, realizing that they have so much accumulated wealth there's not enough capital spread around for commoners to buy and support their Corps. The answer is nationalize staple companies for and energy and quit trying to squeeze the last drop of blood from a stone in a misanthropic frenzy of blaming the poor..
 Let me give some advice....go back to school and study advanced econ and read a little Joe Stiglitz while you're at it. And don't take baby steps to do, RUN, RUN.
Already have a B S in Econmonics.
And listening to your communist stupidity is the same as me saying if I tax the rich I can reverse gravity, pure hog wash. 
I suggest you go back to school and take Econ classes, real econ classes not how communism helps the ruling class 101.
 My I suggest a little adam Smith and the wealth of nations. 
How about reading the theory on the laffer curve that explains that lower taxes put people to work, creates higher profits, creates charity, and creates educational oppertunities.
But then again when do the facts ever stop a liberal.

Offline ironglow

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Re: On being poor in America.
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2012, 03:22:09 PM »
Both Smith & Laffer have been proven correct..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: On being poor in America.
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2012, 04:52:19 PM »
Before you start melining me and my credentials I also have a B of Science in Political Science.
When I was ready to graduate I realized if I stayed for 3 more classes I could go from a minor in Economics to a BS so I stayed for Summer school and graduated with a double major from a University in VA.
But then again I understand we are talking about the economics of political science and i think I am a little more qualified to explain excessive taxes hurt the economy and how creating economic oppertunity moves people from poor to rich and rich to poor.
Look at the famed Kennedy clan.  Joe made it legally and illegally, did not pay taxes on the illegal part and has handed down his fortune to his kids and grandkids.  The large fortune has only been deluted by the grandkids and great grandkids and by the 4th generation the kennedy clan will no longer be rich unless some of them start creating wealth by working.
The early billionaires like JP Morgan and Melon and others gave large amounts to money, property, and buildings to the public, such as parks, librarys, universities and museums.  But with the excessive taxes demanded now deminish those kinds of gifts.
But the families have deluted those huge fortunes that were made while building America and creating jobs and providing the goods and services the nation wanted.  Allowing other goods and services and inovations to be created. 
The problem comes when government demands money to do charity work.  It takes $3 of taxes to do the same as $1 directly in the form of charity.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: On being poor in America.
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2012, 02:40:22 AM »
we will soon be ruled by something akin to the communist politburo.
obama and his minions will have dachas all around and the rest will live in communes, either working on government farms or in government factories.  then we'll ALL be poor except the politburo and their secret police.
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Re: On being poor in America.
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2012, 03:02:04 AM »
From 1930 to 1980 the top tax rates were over 50%. The eighty years of economic growth with a healthy middle class must have been an anomaly!

Offline ironglow

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Re: On being poor in America.
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2012, 03:06:16 AM »
we will soon be ruled by something akin to the communist politburo.
obama and his minions will have dachas all around and the rest will live in communes, either working on government farms or in government factories.  then we'll ALL be poor except the politburo and their secret police.
  Frankly, I believe that is the aim of the "liberal elites"..all the plebes will be relegated to 'slave-of-the-state" status...and that includes all those liberals  who are not members of the "Ivy League cabal"..  In the event that the liberal elites gain power, the little guy liberals who march the goose step for these puppet masters, would be no better off than conservatives.  In fact, they may suffer more, because as in all countries which "went over" to a socialist utopia, slave was the "reactionaries" who suffered most.  Often these reactionaries were the "useful idiots" who helped to usher the socialist/marxists into powe....onbce they realized just how badly they have been duped.
  Mcwooduck had a very valid point when he said the less prosperous class pays unseen taxes.  For instance, Obama has increased federal taxes on tobacco by 200%...and smoking seems to be in the poor more than in the rest.  By his policies, he has forced a rise in petroleum prices so  gasoline went fron $1.82 when the "big oil" guy left office, to over $4.00 at this time.  His EPA has placed so many unnecessary rules and regulations upon business, that products cost considerably more than necessary....these costs HAVE to be passed to the consumer and it doesn't matter if that consumer is rich or poor..
  Retired folks are not all wealthy..but Obama is taking our paid in Medicare funds to feather his Obamacare travesty.  The hidden taxes go on and on..because they are hidden ..
Here are some new costs we will get hit with if the imposter gets put back in office:
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: On being poor in America.
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2012, 03:45:50 AM »
Of course, since he is already robbing what seniors are already paying in..these paying seniors will have to pay more:
  Pay more why?  Well, he wants to get more who are wards of the nanny-state to get better service, so those of us who have always "paid our way" will have to take less and pay those who in most cases, never worked or paid their way...will collect even more the backs of others.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: On being poor in America.
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2012, 05:35:31 AM »
Uh.........Wat's da topic again??

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