Author Topic: Does Iran already have a bomb....?  (Read 957 times)

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Does Iran already have a bomb....?
« on: September 25, 2012, 10:26:04 AM »
BREAKING NEWS: Iran Confirmed To Have Nuclear Weapons!!!  Posted byAlexander Higgins - September 24, 2012 at 9:26 pm -Permalink -Source viaAlexander Higgins BlogBREAKING NEWS: Iran Confirmed To Have Nuclear Weapons!!!
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Matt Larson discusses the evidence outlined in latest news headlines making the case that Iran has nuclear weapons.
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Link to propaganda articles:
Yes, I know people will say misleading title but the truth is if there is any misleading going on it certainly is by the propaganda being pushed by the corporate media.
The truth be told, unless the media has lied to us time and time again in countless articles going back for 0ver 20 years now Iran must have nuclear weapons by now.
This article from Salon really puts things in perspective:> Bibi’s 20-year Iran warnings Benjamin Netanyahu says an Iranian nuclear threat is imminent. He said that in 1992 tooBibi's 20-year Iran warnings(Credit: AP)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared on CNN and NBC’s “Meet The Press” to call on the United States to draw a “red line” for Iran, which cannot be crossed without incurring military action. For all the urgency of his talk of line drawing “before it’s too late,” it’s worth recalling that we’ve heard this line from Bibi before.
The hawkish premier undergirded his calls for action with the claim that by mid-2013 Iran would have 90 percent of the material it needed for an atomic weapon. However, as the Christian Science Monitor’s Scott Peterson pointed out late last year, warnings about imminent nuclear threats from Iran date back “more than a quarter of a century … And yet, those predictions have time and time again come and gone.”
Most interestingly, in 1992, Netanhyahu himself — an Israeli parliament member at the time — told colleagues that Iran was three to five years from being able to produce a nuclear weapon and that the threat had to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the U.S.”
Other historical moments of imminent nuclear threats from Iran include:
1992: Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres predicts an Iranian nuclear warhead by 1999 to French TV.
1995: The New York Times quotes U.S. and Israeli officials saying that Iran would have the bomb by 2000.
1998: Donald Rumsfeld tells Congress that Iran could have an intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit the U.S. by 2003.
Continue ReadingSo as good citizens trusting our government and trusting our media the only rational conclusion is Iran must have nuclear weapons by now.
It is either that or their has been a massive campaign of disinformation and propaganda spoon fed to the public to justify invading Iran to take over their oil and preserve the petro-dollar.
On a side not, this advertisement was once used as propaganda to promote nuclear energy industry by saying hey, even our great ally Iran is building nuclear power plants:
Guess Who Was Building Nuclear Power Plants In The 1970sWatch as our consensus reality mutates over time. A twentieth-century print advertisement by a consortium of American nuclear power companies, via Wikipedia:

Source: DisInformation
To be used on Nuclear programme of Iran, illustrating American nuclear companies relation with the Shah of Iran.
The text reads as follows:
The Shah of Iran is sitting on top of one the largest reservoirs of oil in the world.
Yet he’s building two nuclear plants and planning two more to provide electricity for his country.
He knows the oil is running out–and time with it.
But he wouldn’t build the plants now if he doubted their safety. He’d wait. As many Americans want to do.
The Shah knows that nuclear energy is not only economical, it has enjoyed a remarkable 30-year safety record. A record that was good enough for the citizens of Plymouth, Massachusetts, too. They’ve approved their second nuclear power plant by a vote of almost 4 to 1. Which shows you don’t have to go as far as Iran for an endorsement of nuclear power.
Source: WikiPedia

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Re: Does Iran already have a bomb....?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2012, 04:09:44 AM »
I think they're gettin close.  I think their bluster about having nuclear strike capability is based on the same kind of "I dare you" hype that North Korea spouts out every so often.  However, I think Obama is the weakest link in making sure they don't have one.  If this were the Bush area, and the long, long sanctions hadn't worked, he would have made dern sure that they didn't have a nuke, either by taking it out, or by forcing his way into Iran to look for himself.  Therein lies the difference.  He would have not suffered Iran's big talk and bluffs and threats.  Obama will, no matter what he is saying now.  He cares nothing for Israel, and will take no action against Iran until Iran or Israel strikes first.  Even then, I'm not convinced he's brave enough to do what's right.  Let me rephrase.  I'm absolutely certain he has too much cowardly liberal politician in his Muslim blood to do anything but talk.  I don't think he would stand up for Israel, even after a strike.  Here we get into religion, so I'll leave it alone for now.   

Offline ironglow

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Re: Does Iran already have a bomb....?
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2012, 04:13:09 AM »
  All they need now is for Obama to dither a few more month's...and the world's  #1 terrorist state will have nuclear devices..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline srussell

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Re: Does Iran already have a bomb....?
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2012, 01:42:14 PM »
i don't think they have nuclear bombs yet .but i do think they will have a dirty bomb soon if not now. and that would be devastating with the suicide bombers they breed

Offline briarpatch

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Re: Does Iran already have a bomb....?
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2012, 06:04:05 PM »
I think the elite wants good ole American blood and taxpayer dollars to give them another trillion dollar oil deposit. If Iran had 10000 nuclear weapons it would not use them in an offensive strike. They know only a green glowing hole would exist where Iran is now and that is not a win for alla or anyone else.

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Re: Does Iran already have a bomb....?
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 06:08:00 AM »
I agree BP...which is why they're the 2nd oldest country on the planet.....Now somebody lighting off a bomb and getting it blamed on Iran is a different matter. First you have to cultivate the 'image' that they're all crazy.
  Sure TM;
     ...And in my blacksmith shop, I have a hammer that is 700 years old...only 20 new handles and 14 new heads.. ;) ;D   
  The very name "Iran" wasn't even used before 1935, when Reza Shah insisted upon it!  There has been no continuity of government there..the last "revolution' being 1979..fostered by Jimmie Carter.  There has been no continuity of belief there, since before Islam arrived most of those tribes were into animism and/or idolatry.  Even the borders have not been continuously held, since the Persians  did not consider what is called Iran be their own accepted borders. In fact, throughout history those very borders have been rather fluid..
     When one considers history, the only people in the mideast who have held any semblance of a cohesive, structured society for some 5,000 years, are the Jews!  Sadly, the majority of them were evicted from their land for some 1800 years...during which time, squatters moved in..
  Many students of history don't honor "squatters rights"..since we can see what happens even today when squatters move into foreclosed properties..they don't take care of the property as did those who actually "earned' the property.
   If you are talking about the land can you argue that the land Iran occupies is any "older" than Canada, Russia or the UK?
    ...And, as you can see by the maps below, today's Iraq comes nowhere near to what the old Persian empire was.  Let's have a bit of intellectual honesty..Iran is a relatively new country, a child of the Balfour commission.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline briarpatch

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Re: Does Iran already have a bomb....?
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2012, 06:09:34 AM »
They already have the world thinking they are crazy. We can only set and wait for the action that will send our money and troops there. It makes good business sense, there is no overhead for them.
Many people will talk about how the news media are liars without equal and belong to the elite but they will believe everything they say about the middle east. People can be lead knowing it is by the biggest liars in every nation, the media.   
Americans are ready to send their sons, daughters and money to a foreign country for the benifit of the elite. Just on the word of the media.
58000 thousand sons and daughters bled out in sout east asia and we left in disgrace. A few years later you could board a plane, fly to saigon and have dinner as well as tour the country. Dont you think something is wrong with this concept. all the wars we have fought and now fight has done nothing. Freedoms have not been preserved. We are losing more every day and will continue to do so untill the elite have full control over all our lives.

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Re: Does Iran already have a bomb....?
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2012, 06:18:44 AM »
Why is it, we didn't hear all the lefties complaining about Obama sending in forces to help prepare Libya for the Ai Queda & muslim brotherhood?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)