thats not me in the picture but IT might as well be because it looks almost identical, Ive had numerous hunters walk by at 5-15 yards and never give the slightest indication that I was there, Ive had deer and ELK pass within a few yards with no indication that I was there also,thats one of the reasons Im convinced it helps. now Im not saying its necessary, and some of my friends wear black/green check wool shirts and brown slacks and still kill elk, but they also are making longer range shots on average, and see less game on average, by their own admission. you would be amazed at how your damn near invisable wearing that camo if your sitting in the shade under some low hanging branches on a ridge while watching for game to pass, so much so that Ive had hunters not be able to spot me even after speaking to them!, one guy only 5yards away almost jumped strait in the air he was so startled when I said" goodmorning! seen anything?" he spun around searching for me and still did not see me untill I stood, then was startled as if I arose out of the ground in front of him,we had a brief conversation, then he left. later that day one of my hunting partners mentioned having a conversation with the guy where he mentioned running into a talking bush, my partner had a good laugh but admitted that was a good description!