I have used wax for many years. It protects better than any oil and lasts better than any grease. the easiest product I've found is something called RustPreventIt. It's a srpeay on material that is applied and allowed to sit on the metal for 15 minutes. I believe this is to allow all the carrier material to evaporate. The product is then wiped off. The small amount that remains on the metal is nearly impossible to remove manually but can be easily removed with nearly any gun cleaning solvent. I protects absolutely, from fingerprinting rust and from 'dust rust', caused by the moisture concentrated by the minute dust particles that settle on a weapon in long term storage.. Nearly any wax including auto waxes will work(don't use 'cleaner' waxes) but nothing is as easy to apply as this material.. For a the bore and the interior (mechanism) of the weapon RIG GUNGREASE or cosmoline(both available from Brownells) is nearly impossible to beat for long term storage. A light synthetic gun grease or oil will work for the sort term.