Wagguy80, I do have a hook made that I wear over my glove, on the middle finger of my left hand. I use it when I am out calling during the winter at night, under a full moon or when we have good visibility. Those nights I use a Savage 24 in .223/20ga. That gun only has extractors. I'll compromise with the Savage, I don't want the other shell to go flying when I open the gun to replace the one I fired. But the Savage is not a single shot, it's a double barrel.
The extractor I use is a key ring that fits over my glove finger. I took a piece of metal tubing about 3/16s in dia. I cut it 3" long and formed a slight hook on the end. It's loose to flop around when not in use. To use I catch it between the two middle fingers on my left hand and use it to flip out the empty. One little flick and the empty is gone. with this I can flip out a .223 empty or a 20ga, depending on which one I shot. Getting a fresh shell in is often harder than getting rid of the empty. Especially the shot shells, plastic gets slick when cold. For this close shooting I use military brass I pick up out at the range. On any day I can go there and pick up a hundred or more, lying on the ground. So when hunting I don't bother to pick up the .223 brass. Can't find it in the snow anyway. I do pick up the shot shells, they are not bio-degradable.
Oh yea, the piece of tubing I wear on my finger is wrapped in tape so it does not clink when it hits metal of the action.