I would be more inclined to blame Bill Clinton for 9/11. He knew that Osama bin Laden was behind the Cole attack and the first attack on the World Trade Center. Remember the first attack? They drove a ton of explosives into the basement with the expressed intention of collapsing one tower into the next and bringing both down. Clinton also did not use the term "terror attack" but called it a "crime". Rather than seek out bin Laden and kill him, he chose to fire off a few ineffective cruise missles into the training camps. Bin Laden was not deterred and his crew kept planning their WTC attack they had dreamed of long before Bush was elected. So, like Obama, you want to blame Bush for everything?
Obama had veto power on any cuts that you, Mr. Chung, blamed Congress for, besides the fact that he had the majority to do his bidding...remember the health care bill that his party shoved down our throats?
You might want to start analyzing things and thinking for yourself instead of just accepting that Obama is a nice guy because he can make a nice speech. He has a peachy keen logo and some trite slogans, but his results as Commander in Chief are dismal. Odd he doesn't blame Bush for the end of the war in Iraq, which was already timelined before dear leader was elected. He just basks in the accomplishments of others and shifts the blame when he's caught failing.