I only have TC pistols. Got two after shoulder surgery and doc told me not to shoot again. Learned to shoot left handed. Don't have an XP-100 but a couple of friends do. I can tell you one thing about shooting these long range pistols, with a solid hold they are as accurate as any bolt ation deer rifle I have. I designed a shooting rest that uses a pint sized bean bag at the front, on top of a 14" strip of plywood 48" long. Each end of the plywood strip is on a solid brace, with the bean bag near the foward end. I nest my pistol in the bean bag until the windage is perfect, then with my arm over the plywood strip, I lean into the strip to create a bow. The bow raises my point of impact. I have found that my large muscles do not quiver like my arm and hand, and I can achieve a rock solid hold using my body while leaning into the plywood strip. Hope this paints a clear picture for you. I shoot deer from a box stand with my 7-30W beyond 150 yrds with no problem. Would not hesitate to shoot farther.