Oh, I think they were a lot like you...... they cared about freedom.....THEIR freedom.....yours- not so much, just like you cared about YOUR idea of what freedom OUGHT to be, and they are.... wrong, sinful, idiot, idolaters, lazy ..... did I leave something out? While all the hardliners have been busy spouting off, the world has changed, and the MAJORITY ( ie- not YOU) just told you to stuff a sock in it. You boys had better get your heads back to where the sun still shines and play catch up or you will have all of us in anger management classes and on estrogen therapy. If something is really important to you, you can promote it and maybe make some inroads, but if you PO the general public, you are toast. That may not bother you, but when we are seen as somehow connected, I am not especially fond of toast.